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Don E

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Posts posted by Don E

  1. Hello everyone,


    Just like this forum when a thread is updated and move to the top of threads made by someone posting in that particular thread and appears first in the list of threads made for that particular forum, how do we make a row become the first row for a particular table?


    I hope my question is clear. :happy0046:



  2. This would cause the program to replace any sequence of any length that contains 2, 0, and % with a space. It would match things like "2%02" and "%%%"



    Yes. I was thinking since a URL can contain many %20, that would be ideal (to add the character class [] ) but upon further observation it would also remove the 20 from a URL like mypage20.php for example and that's not good. So for the sake of understanding, would have this been the correct way?:


    $new_url = preg_replace('/%20/', ' ', $new_url);



  3. Hello,


    Of course it is good to use prepared statements for user input but I thought for the sake of asking if it is necessary to use prepared statements for internal SQL statements? I read some time ago it is best to use prepared statements for SQL even if they are not from users etc (internal SQL statements) or/and even if the SQL statements are for an admin area where you know you can trust the input, say if it's an area of the site you only have access to for example.


    I just thought I'd ask and get some perspectives/advice on this. Thanks.

  4. A way to tell if an image is landscape or not is.. usually images that are landscape have their width larger than the height. You can check to see if that is the case and if so, it's a landscape. To be more precise, I would see what the difference is between the width and height. So if an image is 800 width and 400 height, since the width is obviously larger than the height, it's a landscape image but check the difference which is 400 because in some cases, you can have an image where the width is larger than the height by only a small amount like 500 width and 300 height, 200 difference which this can be considered a portrait image really.


    So check to see if the width is larger than the height and also see what the difference is and based on your preference of what you want to be considered a landscape, consider that image 'landscape' then. So another example, user uploads an image of a width of 900 and height 500, obviously this is a landscape most likely but say you have 300 of what to check difference from and if the difference is larger than 300 which it is in this case (400), it's landscape, if it's less than 300, you can consider it a portrait. It's all in your preference as to what you want to consider a landscape or not.


    I would though first resize all the uploaded images if they are larger than a specified amount for the site because these days from digital cameras, phone cameras, etc, images can be very large in width and height with dimensions like: 3434 by 2213 or something of the like. Good size image dimensions these days for website displaying if larger than the following dimensions is about 700 or 800 px width. So if the uploaded image width is larger than 800, I would resize the image to 800 px. (The height is automatically calculated to preserve aspect ratio).


    Hope this was of some help.

  5. Hey everyone,


    Is anyone here familiar with linux? I installed a program from source and I would like to upgrade that program to the latest version. Usually I would just use the yum utility to install and/or remove a program but sometimes a program has to be installed from source.


    I asked this question in the CentOS forum but it seems a question like this is... I guess.... vague or something. Perhaps it is but i thought asking there would be the best place. Here is the thread: https://www.centos.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=49401&p=209704Basically everything you need to know of my question is there. I am familiar with linux but not enough to go ahead and try things on my own without some guidance/direction if I am not sure of something. I searched google as well. (that was the first thing I did)


    I thought I would ask around here as well incase maybe some of you are familiar with this kind of stuff.


    Thanks in advance.

  6. Okay, uhm.. All I want is to purchase a domain name so nobody else buys it before me. Then, I would like to self host on that website. My question is; Is this even possible?


    Yes it's possible. Also, you can buy the domain name and just hold onto it until whenever you're ready to use it for a website.



    Does the prequal inside the parethesis of the isWorthALook have to do anything with the var prequal?


    When you call the isWorthALook function with it's first argument passing the prequal function where as the the argument for the prequal function is an object of one of the car objects like taxi, didQualify becomes true or false depending on what's returned from the prequal function. If didQualify is true, you get the console.log of: console.log("You gotta check out this " + car.make + " " + car.model); If not true, you get console.log: console.log("You should really pass on the " + car.make + " " + car.model);


    Hopefully this helps.

  8. Look at this update; http://jsfiddle.net/3kksmag5/10/ See the changes. Use offsetLeft and offsetTop to get left and top values. When setting the left and top in the ahoj function, instead of the left and top margins, set the left and top positions: y.style.left, y.style.top. Also since you're moving the red box div around, make sure to set position to absolute in CSS.


    Well if first time i tell it , to use ahoj onmousemove , and second time just invoking ahoj with click (if i got it right) , why is chaning of innerHTML working like it should but div aint movin?


    Hopefully this answers your question.

  9. Yes seems like it is a blurring of definitions. davej made some good points.


    It seems they are for the most part websites. It's as if the app icon on users' phones is basically like a shortcut to your app(website). One thing I see that can differentiate an app from a website is that some apps can access the users' phone operating system functions perhaps which requires a developing language that can allow that to take place.

  10. Hey everyone,


    It seems nowadays there's a phone app for everything. People seem to gravitate toward apps more than anything else really when it comes tasks. Websites seem secondary today because of the convenience of apps readily available for phones. It seems it's more convenient to go to an app instead of opening up your phones' web browser and typing in a website address for something. What does this mean for the future of websites? Of course websites will always be, but with the popularity of apps, makes one wonder if websites in the distant future can be.. obsolete?


    I doubt it, but if you look around, major websites all mostly have not just a mobile version of their site.. but an app as well. The other question is, is it even worthy of learning(continuing) web development when maybe one should aim for the app development world?


    Just thought I'd post and see what others opinions are. Thanks.





    What do you mean? What support are you referring to with regard to ASP?


    You pretty much answered my question when you mentioned Zend. However for other un-free languages, don't they provide support or help in a way where you can communicate with a developer directly or something that will guide you through implementing secure code for your site? I don't know why I thought that for some reason. :huh:

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