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Everything posted by angrycat

  1. Thanks for the replies, all working now!!
  2. Hello All,I have a problem with the following function in Firefox, it works in Explorer, but I am not sure that it should.... function MM_setRowValues(row, state){ for ( i = 1; i <= <%= slotsPerHour %>; i ++ ) { var mField = "f" + row + i; document.setCal(mField).selectedIndex = state; }// end loop}// end function setCal is the literal name of the form, mField is a variable holding the name of a drop down list within the form (setCal).The problem I am having is getting the variable mField into the the line document.setCal(mField).selectedIndex = state; Mozilla reports that it cannot find the function setCal(mField), which is logical as, with the parameters it looks like a function, but I have tried every other permiatation I can think of and nothing works.In short, can I replace the literal value for a listName with a variable:document.formName.listName.selectetIndex Any help appreciated
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