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Posts posted by amaterasu

  1. I'm a newbie at CSS, so bear with me... [grin]I have a website that I hadn't really had access to since 2000. It was mostly written in the free HTML editor (PageMill based, I believe) that came with Netscape back in, oh... 1998-1999ish. Some of it I wrote in Notepad because I saw the HTML from that editor was about as inelegant a coding job as I could imagine!Anyway, I finally have internet access that isn't someone else's or the library's. I took all my old files and began to update them, thinking that I would try CSS. I did my index.htm file with the styles defined within the <head>, and it looks wonderful!Next, I set up a CSS file for the remaining files (because they all will have some differences from the home page) and went through the first page of code, linking it to the CSS file and then cleaning it of unnescessary tags. When I was done and looked at the finished result, the formatting looked great! Everything was exactly as I wanted it to be! Except...None of my graphics show up. No .gifs, no .jpgs. Nada. (The old code had the height, width, and borders defined and I had left that in, so there are boxes the proper size and location. But just that li'l dotted image that lets you know an image goes there.I checked to make sure everything was in the same folder, and it was. So it's not like it doesn't know where to look for the pics. I am so frustrated! I have been through the code, adding /'s to close images, in case that's the problem (it's not), and otherwise combing code for any misplaced logic.Any help would be WONDERFUL!

  2. I have been cruising around, looking at XHTML stuff and keep running into mentions of "deprecated" tags. I was looking for a way to put a border around an image (for example) and was told that the "border" tag had been deprecated in XHTML... I know in the Strict DTD, I can't use the "border" tag - but I have no idea how I would do borders. Is it that one CAN'T put borders around images in Strict DTD? Or is it that there is some other way?My suggestion is that when you mention something has been deprecated, you also either explain that the function is not available in some arenas, or describe the alternative way of accomplishing the goal.Other than that, I am LOVING this site! Thanks so much!

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