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Ruud Hermans

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Posts posted by Ruud Hermans

  1. Long time sinds I posted here been busy for a while.I got a problem wit a website I'm building for some wierd reason the text I try to display in a table is not the default size and it's displayed bold.I tryed to change it in the css file but at first I would assume this isn't needed and at the second place I have no idea how to make sure it doesn't get bold no more in the css file and what the default size of the font should be the couse like I mentioned 100% is smaller then it should be.

  2. If you are running your own email server the software should let you choose which port to use. You could always just use your ISP's smtp server
    I'm aware that most software will give me the ability to choose but will this couse any trouble to incoming mail?Ruud Hermans
  3. I'm no expert with hard ware but this sounds like something that happened at my moms place recently when she moved.Af ter unplugging the computers they had trrouble getting the router to work again after they moved. SO I guess there is a chance indeed there is something wrong with the router.Did you try to set it up again?Ruud Hermans

  4. ok, so I installed it, but how do I get it so I can actually use php?
    You can istantly just store the files in your htdocs folder and visit your localhost.Ruud Hermans
  5. I'm basicly new to PHP only faced it in the past when using phpBB forumsoftware. I would like to ask one of the more skilled members to mentor me in this topic by giving me assigments to do so I can learn from them starting from the beginning.Thanks in advance,Ruud Hermans

  6. mmm.Would it be possible to store css files of every individual in a mysql database and extract them when a user logs in using his her password?Would this also be a safe way?Ruud Hermans

  7. I think you would be better off asking this question on the apachefriends forum sinds it could be possible that you need to download a add-on for XAMPP.However I never had trouble running Perl script from the storage path I gave in my previous post. But if I'm right you need to change it for running Perl scripts for example I need to change.




    Try if this link provides you with more info.http://cs.uccs.edu/~cs301/apache/apacheWin32Setup.htmlRuud Hermans

  8. your cgi-bin is C:\Program Files\xampp\cgi-binXAMPP comes with PHPMyAdmin witch you can use to manage you mysql database.To connect trough command you use the following statement:

    C:\>mysql -h host_name -u user_name -p

    mysql will then ask you to enter the password for access.Ruud Hermans

  9. What is the extension of the file, and do I need to open it in a program then save it as favicon.??.And also do I need any code for it to work?
    <link rel="shortcut icon" href="favicon.ico" />

    Name your .ico file favicon and upload it to the root directory.

    Ruud Hermans
  10. Could some one look at this please couse I got lost somewhere in between can't figure it out myself it seems.Edit. could you also explain how you would create a second layer using a table couse I tryed that to and would like to know it sinds I'm greedy to learn and think I'm doing something wrong with the id in that.ThanksRuud Hermans

  11. Thanks, that looks really good, I have saved it, I will come back at some point to ask how to add it, its just a bit late and I need some sleep! :)
    How do I implement a favicon on my web page? Place the icon in the same directory as your HTML file. That's all you need to do - Have fun.Ruud Hermans
  12. That's correct, the validator will give an error as this element isn't part of the dtd and some browsers may not support the tag as it's not part of the standard.
    The major browser do support it however, Firefox, IE and Opera.Ruud Hermans
  13. I got the following table witch also needs to include a picture (foto) of a person but what do I put behind it?

    CREATE TABLE adressen(id VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL,voornaam VARCHAR(30) NULL,achternaam VARCHAR(30) NULL,volledige_naam VARCHAR(50) NULL,schuilnaam VARCHAR(30) NULL,geslacht ENUM('Man','Vrouw') NULL,adres VARCHAR(40) NULL,postcode VARCHAR(6) NULL,woonplaats VARCHAR(40) NULL,provincie VARCHAR(20) NULL,telefoon VARCHAR(12) NULL,email VARCHAR(20) NULL,info VARCHAR(255) NULLfoto)

    Ruud Hermans

  14. You could just try using tables, but the code previously mentioned should work absolutely fine, so I owuldn't worry about tales unless you already have a website that has a table structure.
    It has but the image and text both need to be in a table together looking nice. :) Ruud Hermans
  15. Then how should I convert it so it keeps the looks it has now, could you give me an example according to this code?

      <td onmouseover="showmenu('example')" onmouseout="hidemenu('example')">   <font color="#ffffff">Handgevecht</font><br />   <table class="menu" id="example" width="120">   <tr><td class="menu"><a href="/html/default.asp"><font color="#000000">HTML</font></a></td></tr>   </table>  </td>



    java script:

    <script type="text/javascript">function showmenu(elmnt){document.getElementById(elmnt).style.visibility="visible"}function hidemenu(elmnt){document.getElementById(elmnt).style.visibility="hidden"}</script>

    Ruud Hermans

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