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Cain Hill

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Everything posted by Cain Hill

  1. Sorry, but you need to be much more clear with what it is that you're asking, before anyone can suggest anything. I got that you wanted something about a mouseover event, so far (with what you've given me) I can only show you the code below. <script> mouseover(){document.getElementById("image").src="blue.bmp"; }mouseout(){ document.getElementById("image").src="red.bmp"; }</script><img id="image" onmouseover="mouseover();" onmouseout="mouseout();" /> Hope it helps.
  2. So far, I understand that you have two frames, and that you want a link in the first of these frames, to open in the second frame? If so, then the code that you have currently might look like this: <html> <frameset><frame></frame><frame></frame> </frameset></html> Given this you should also have name attributes for each of these frames. The solution to your problem is a simple target="" attribute that needs to be inserted into either the <a> tag or <frame> tag, can't remember, sorry, try both, it should work correctly.
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