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Posts posted by Mudsaf

  1. There will be random square block in my website at control panel on Google Chrome. How to fix, see attached file? The square will get removed if website resized in any way but if i resize it back the white box will appear again.

  2. example i got this script $a = rand(1, 4);$b = rand(1, 4);$c = rand(1, 4);.. more values $a2 = rand(1, 20);$b2 = rand(1, 20);$c2 = rand(1, 20);...more values how do i make script that checks that for every value

    if ($a <> $b && $a2 <> $b2 {  }

    whitout having to do million values listed. So i dont want any $a && a2 values to be same as any other for example $b && b2. I guess its pretty hard to explain but lets assume i have deck of cards and i dont want same card with same color twice there.

  3. Yea but even website baker admin panel is messed up when there reads "Ylläpitäjät" (Administrators) and it looks like this Ylläpitäjät . I would assume it doesn't come from Seems like you see NRJ finland same way as i do

    All is coming from database right. Can you put the below data how it is stored in database. Like the same as below or looking different. NRJ:n tomituksen työharjoittelija Simo kuulostaa aivan Kotiteollisuuden Jouni Hynyseltä. Mahtoiko homma mennä läpi kun \'Jouni\' soitti Jone Nikulalle ja ehdotti tälle uutta \'Ämmät\' -TV-formaattia..
    Charset work on both pages at you birbal?
    this one too looks fine. is your problem solved yet?
    Anyways the solution worked (Re-writed data in database and it was messed up there, still wondering what happened because works on xampp)
    First, stop guessing with the charsets. Everything needs to be UTF-8. Nothing should be Latin, ISO, etc. After you know that everything is UTF-8, then you can add data to the database. The data already there might already be wrong, try adding it again with the correct character set.
  4. ?php$dbhost = 'localhost';$dbuser = 'root';$dbpass = 'mypassword';$conn = mysql_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass) or die ('Error connecting to mysql');mysql_select_db("scores", $conn) or die ('no database');echo 'successful connection';?> 

    You can check the connection fail reason by adding . mysql_error()

    $conn = mysql_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass) or die ('Error connecting to mysql' . mysql_error());mysql_select_db("scores", $conn) or die ('no database' . mysql_error());

    + I think you just didin't copy full page but at start of your post there is ?php which is missing "<"


  5. Srsly nothing works... >_>, can't manage to get any process at my workplace Tried (MySQL)


    Meta (HTML)





    Don't have code anymore.

    Saving files to utf8 What can be so different from PHP 5.3 & Xampp

  6. BLAAAAAAAAAAARG Nothing works Tried php ini Everything with utf-8 AND ISO-8859-1




    Saving file as utf-8




    Nothing works srsly... it was PHP server 5.3. If anyone got fix please inform me. Link here (Website not mine, but had to change location from xampp server to php v5.3)

  7. My point was i'd like to surf pages 1, 2, 3 ... and so on whitout actually "refreshing" the page, but refreshing game table only. Example url


    Could you give me example aswell if thats possible.

  8. Yea but even the login page doesn't work whitout xampp. (Does't display login form and allows users to go trough whitout login).Is there SQL query that could update all my table encoding to UTF-8? The Xampp database had same values as the other since exported the sql-file from xampp host. I guess there could be some problem in apache config or something?

  9. Im having problem with hosting certain files on Apache server. Im currenctly using Website Baker 2.6.7 and having few errors like charset + no login required. (Tested with xampp works, but with apache doesn't work) Have tried everything with charset (DB, Htaccess, Meta .... everything srsly.) Xampp (Lisätietoja:)


    Apache (Lisätietoja:)


  10. You could make config.php page that you would link in every page and configure it before publishing and create sessions like this. (I guess there is way better solution but here would be small fix for some time) Index.php

    session_start();include 'config.php';if (!isset($_SESSION[$cfg_ses . 'user'])) {$_SESSION[$cfg_ses . 'user'] = "Myname";} else {echo $_SESSION[$cfg_ses . 'user'];}


    <?php$cfg_ses = "mu_"; //example 2 fist letter of website name?>

  11. Sessions does't travel from site to another (Server-side). You can always unset sessions or session_destroy(); for destroying all sessions upon logout. If the webfiles are in same host you might have problem. (Try renaming the other webfolder sessions)

  12. Depends on picture quality and desktop resolution. Your laptop might have like 7xx-13xx resolution and tower pc for example 1920x1080 so the image size does't fill the 1920x1080 resolution. You can apply this to css so image fills whole screen

    html {background: url(http://i1254.photobucket.com/albums/hh616/Rachelle_Robertson/b08bcbbf.jpg) no-repeat center center fixed;-webkit-background-size: cover;-moz-background-size: cover;-o-background-size: cover;background-size: cover; }

  13. Could you give me small example like script.php

    <?php//Code here?>

    example.php file with data

    1: potato2: carrot 3: tomato

    And change the line to

    1: potato 2: slenderman3: tomato

  14. I guess you could use sessions atleast. Example if session doesnt exist

    if (!isset($_SESSION['currentquestion'])) {$_SESSION['currentquestion'] = 0;}

    And each next button press = session + 1 and store data with sessions also i guess. Also jQuery might do this, but im not quite sure how-to. (I guess jQuery would also be more user-friendly and better)

    • Like 1
  15. Is it possible to edit certain part of PHP config page and get the certain value from it. Example i have config file (i know it would not work since no actual code but i think you will get my point here). So im wondering is it possible change CONSTRUCTION = false part to true with PHP whitout editing rest of the file or keeping rest of the file same? OLD

    1: SQL2: SQL-DB-SELECT3: SECURITY4: CONSTRUCTION = false5: FOOTER  = "© 2012" . $website


    1: SQL2: SQL-DB-SELECT3: SECURITY4: CONSTRUCTION = true5: FOOTER  = "© 2012" . $website

  16. You could to check empty fields with php empty() function

    if (isset($_POST["Username"]))   $username = $_POST["Username"];if (isset($_POST["Password"]))   $password = $_POST["Password"]; if ($username != "" && $password != "") {


    if (isset($_POST['Username']) || isset($_POST['Password']) || !empty($_POST['Username']) || !empty($_POST['Password']) {//The POST username & passworx exist + not empty												  } else {//There was no username or password given}

  17. 1. You should confirm and check all files at atspace PUBLIC_HTML folder.2. Check the source-code of page where you get the error and check the navigation area (Ctrl + U <- Shortcut on most browsers).3. Make sure there is no html like localhost/index.php instead you can try use: http://www.howtocrea...ials/html/links4. Try to contact atspace staff and ask for help regarding your issue. Also i would not recommend you sharing your email on forums.

  18. Hello, im currently trying to update my workplace website navigation, but i cant figure out how-to make Hidden page with required group on Website baker 2.6.7. If you have any experience about website baker please inform me. I have tried also in the demo of website baker online. Demo


  19. Hello I have example database where is (Few values added)

    ID, SUBJECT, NAME1, Hello world, Mudsaf2, Hello world2, Mudsaf

    Then i get the data from sql with query (querys and row works perfectly

    <script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.7/jquery.js"></script><script src="http://malsup.github.com/jquery.form.js"></script>  <script>		// wait for the DOM to be loaded		$(document).ready(function() {			// bind 'myForm' and provide a simple callback function			$('#removepost').ajaxForm(function() {				alert("Something happened");			});		});	</script> <?php$query  = "blablaablla"... untill while  ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {  echo "<form id='removepost' method='post' action='script/removepost.php'>  <input type='hidden' readonly='readonly' name='id' id='id' value='1' />  <input type='submit' name='submit' id='submit' value='Remove'></form>" . $row['SUBJECT']; } ?>

    The form works perfectly, but doesn't work with jQuery.

    http://malsup.com/jquery/form/  <--- This method doesn't work 

    So im wondering is it possible to get that script work OR where do i link the jQuery files. So currenctly it goes to script/removepost.php, but it should stay at same page and let jQuery run the script whitout page refreshing/moving to action file. Should the form be changed from id to class and in jquery the #removepost to .removepost?

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