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Everything posted by Mudsaf

  1. Mudsaf

    Problem with PHP

    Well actually i wanted to edit iframe size that was htmlspecialchars coded at middle of textarea. I guess its not possible to edit it if its middle of the textarea.
  2. No problem, hope my files will help you even little bit. Ima try to get home after 1 hr but if i cant get ill be on after 4 hrs. Im at (Work based learning) My files has been done with POST method, but you can easily change them to get or just check how i've done mine and upgrade urs.
  3. I got page that uploads first the files in foldersSWF > game/swf/IMG > game/img/Then it adds them to SQL query like img path game/img/$IMAGE_FILENAME$ I can link the codes of those pages when i get to home so you can see the structure a bit.
  4. Mudsaf

    Problem with PHP

    Im selecting data from my database, but i want the image to be smaller in one place and higer in other place. So i got like mainpage what selects 1 from latest news & mainpage doesn't have that much space at "Width" as the image or video would require, but is it possible to make the "img/video" smaller before i get it from database. Example i want the code at mainpage to have like 200 width150 height News page should show the video as it has been posted to MySQL. Example here 600 width (The amount set when inserting the post)400 heigh (The amount set when inserting the post) This might be bit confusing but i can try explain again if some1 doesn't get my point.
  5. Here is the code if it helps anyone (Works like charm) <script type="text/javascript">function conf_delete() {var r=confirm("Click the OK button now!");if (r==true){ alert("You pressed OK!");return true; }else{ alert("You pressed Cancel!");return false;}}</script></head><body><form id="form1" onsubmit="return conf_delete()" name="form1" method="post" action="#"> <label> <input type="submit" name="submit" id="submit" value="Submit" /> </label></form>
  6. Work work work ... FFS I want play Diablo III

  7. I'm wondering is it possible to make javascript that doesn't let the user go to example action="test.php" page if javascript says so. Example im having this javascript <script type="text/javascript">var r=confirm("Click the OK button now!");if (r==true){ alert("You pressed OK!");<!-- THIS SHOULD ALLOW THE ACTION (SO IT WOULD ALLOW USER TO CONTINUE TO ACTION PHP PAGE) -->}else{ alert("You pressed Cancel!");<!-- THIS SHOULD CANCEL THE ACTION (SO IT WOULD NOT CONTINUE TO ACTION PHP PAGE) -->}</script> So if user presses OK it allows user get to the next page and if user press cancel it doesn't let Oo found cool page with info at this http://www.htmlforums.com/client-side-scripting/t-how-to-cancel-submit-action-33810.html
  8. Somehow i managed to ruin my whole database when trying to solve this . . . so lucky i've backed up this database/website few times. (Effect: Small rollback) -Somehow problem fixed with backup and other stuff dnno what the problem was but working now!
  9. Yes thats correct Shows like this<a href='http://google.com' target='_blank'>http://google.com</a> when it should show it like thishttp://google.com/ PHP code looks like this (incase this helps you) include 'inc/yhdista_tietokanta.php'; //Conncets to DB$query1 = "SELECT * FROM $table$ WHERE $column$ = '$text$' ORDER BY $column$ DESC LIMIT 1";$query2 = "SELECT * FROM $table$ WHERE $column$ = '$text$' ORDER BY $column$ DESC LIMIT 1";$result1 = mysql_query($query1);$result2 = mysql_query($query2);if (!$result1 || !$result2) {echo "There was error, try again later.";} else {$row1 = mysql_fetch_array($result1);$row2 = mysql_fetch_array($result2);$header1 = html_entity_decode($row1['$column$'], ENT_QUOTES);$text1 = html_entity_decode($row1['$column$'], ENT_QUOTES);$header2 = html_entity_decode($row2['$column$'], ENT_QUOTES);$text2 = html_entity_decode($row2['$column$'], ENT_QUOTES);echo "Header: " . $header1 . " <br>Added: " . $row1['$column$'];echo "</span></span></span>";echo "<p>" . $text1 . "</p>";echo "</a><a href='#'class='klink'>Continue to ... $linkplace$ >></a> </span></span><br>"; blablablala until it closes tags } + php every tag inside $$ is correct information, but since i didin't want reveal site coding i added $$. ... Variables $something2 are used later with same method Mispelled "Should" so had to update
  10. HaZ Sum PorblemS

  11. No different effect since it decodes the HTML correctly but it won't show it as html. Instead it shows it like this <a href='http://www.facebook.com/#LINK' target='_blank'>ROFLCOPTER</a>
  12. Thanks, i did it with htmlspecialchars to textbox since textbox cant show html code.
  13. Wondering how to get this to pure html code that works on page. For example <a href=&#039;http://www.facebook.com/#$LINK$&#039; target=&#039;_blank&#039;>ROFLCOPTER</a> The $LINK + text has been changed on that since i dont wan't to reveal code from my websites ATM im using $header1 = htmlspecialchars_decode($row1['$BLABLA$']); But its still pasting header like this on the page<a href='http://www.facebook.com/#LINK' target='_blank'>ROFLCOPTER</a>
  14. Mostly was going to upload flash games with size of 1KB up to 15MB Unfortunately my internet server provider is blocking the port 80 and secondly my internet connection isn't best. (Upload only 100kb/s)
  15. Work work work

  16. Im wondering how to make textarea where is only letters a to z (lower & upper case) and numbers 0-9 allowed so people can't use any <a href='http://hurr-durr.com/'>Trollin'g Dog!</a> messages.
  17. Does anyone know any free webhost that has PHP_MAX_FILESIZE > 15MB. I've tried 000webhost.com it was great with disk space + others, but the problem was i canno't upload higer than 4MB files trough PHP. (With membership limit would be 128M) Testing: http://www.byethost.com
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