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Everything posted by Mudsaf

  1. If i got like code var x= "info1";var y= "info2";$("example").on('click', function() {$("#content").append(x + y);});<div id="content"></div> So if that content div would have alerady info1info2 data inside it it would not run the script. var x= "info1";var y= "info2";$("example").on('click', function() { if (($"#content").BLABLABLABLBALAB) //if content doesn't have data already run$("#content").append(x);});<div id="content">info1info2</div>
  2. Yea i agree with identifying the code, but if i would ternary shorten my code i could not understand it as i do now.
  3. http://uheadphones.com/index.aspx Searchbar just reloads page
  4. This messes whole page with no erros. foreach ($file_allowed_extensions as $i => $file_allowed_extensions_value) {if ($fileupload == 0 || !isset($fileupload)) {if ($file_extension == $file_allowed_extensions_value) {$fileupload = 1;} else {$fileupload = 0;}}} foreach ($thumbnail_allowed_extensions as $i => $thumbnail_allowed_extensions_value) {if ($thumbnail_extension == $thumbnail_allowed_extensions_value) {if ($thumbnailupload == 0 || !isset($thumbnailupload)) {$thumbnailupload = 1;} else {$thumbnailupload = 0;}}} This doesnt foreach ($file_allowed_extensions as $i => $file_allowed_extensions_value) {if ($fileupload == 0 || !isset($fileupload)) {if ($file_extension == $file_allowed_extensions_value) {$fileupload = 1;} else {$fileupload = 0;}}}foreach ($thumbnail_allowed_extensions as $i => $thumbnail_allowed_extensions_value) {if ($thumbnail_extension == $thumbnail_allowed_extensions_value) {//if ($thumbnailupload == 0 || !isset($thumbnailupload)) {$thumbnailupload = 1;} else {$thumbnailupload = 0;}//}} Seems like had problems with $thumbnailupload, changed it to $thumbupload and works.
  5. http://mudsaf.info/downloads/index.php?filename=&category=War3&basic_search=Search Here is link and the td link color is white, but when mouseover its lightblue as it should. Link color should be same as navigation and google chrome shows that. Google Chrome inspect element told that every white color has been overlined.
  6. Im wondering how to select .tabs column on button click because anything i tried didin't work for me. I've tried methdows below. Lets imagine my tab would be <div id="tabs"><li><a href="#tabs-1">Page1</a></li><li><a href="#tabs-2">Page2</a></li><li><a href="#tabs-3">Page3</a></li><li><a href="#tabs-4">Page4</a></li><div id="tabs-1">Page1 content here <button type="submit" value="Clickme" id="clickme"></div><div id="tabs-2">Page2 content here</div><div id="tabs-3">Page3 content here</div><div id="tabs-4">Page4 content here</div></div> And jQuery $(function() {$("#tabs").tabs();$("#clickme").on('click', function() {alert("This works");$("#tabs").tabs({selected:3}); //Doesnt work$("#tabs").tabs("select", "#tabs2"); //Doesnt work});}); So the alert work but tabs select doesn't. Yes i have jQuery & jQuery-ui files linked. Prob tried all methods herehttp://stackoverflow.com/questions/5912762/jquery-ui-tabs-how-to-select-a-tab-based-on-its-id-not-based-on-index jquery-ui tabshttp://jqueryui.com/tabs/
  7. Mudsaf

    unexpected '<' error

    Or if you want to do with double quotes $left .= "<div class=\"quotepost\"><div class=\"textdiv\"><q class=\"quotetext\">" . $row['quote'] . "</q></div><p class=\"quoteauthor\">-" . $row['author'] . "</p></div><br/>";
  8. Got this done by converting the excel file on json array's and works in no-time.
  9. Firstly i recommend you to go learn bit html, there is awesome tutorial by w3schools. If you would learned bit html you would know that you havent closed either your body or html tag. And body tag will be closed before html tag.http://w3schools.com/html/default.asp http://w3schools.com/css/default.asp <html><body><a href="url">Home</a> -<a href="url/about.php">About Us</a> -<a href="url/contact.php">Contact Us</a> -<a href="url/privacy.php">Privacy</a> <br /></body></html> Secondly you should learn what is FTP client and how to use it. Many websites use this method to upload files. Filezilla SmartFTP Here would be bit basic code for you, but you have to learn css + html to modify it. Name the file to index.php or index.html depending do you want it to be php page or html page. <html><head><title>My very first page</title><style>* {margin:0;padding:0;}#everything {margin: 0 auto;width:1000px;margin-top:30px;text-align:center;}#navigation {width:1000px;text-align:center;font-size:24px;font-weight:bold;}footer {font-size:12px;margin-top:35px;}</style></head><body><div id="everything"><div id="content"><div id="logo"><img src="http://newmediaangels.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/Your-Logo-Here-Black-2.jpg" width="800px" height="200px"></div><div id="navigation"><a href="index.php">Home</a> -<a href="about.php">About Us</a> -<a href="contact.php">Contact Us</a> -<a href="privacy.php">Privacy</a></div><hr style="margin: 0 auto;width:600px;margin-top:10px;"><p>Welcome to my new websites, hope you enjoying viewing it.</p><footer>© 2013 Yourname</footer></div></div><html><body> Also this code doesn't have to be php unless you want add some login script to it or include files for easier editing.
  10. Blah wasnt my code shows on phpmyadmin also, its some chrome bug Operating System: 64-bit Windows 8Resolution: 1920x1080Google Chrome Versio: 24.0.1312.57 m
  11. I guess it was problem with my old code, because if i move mouse over navigation at old page the white box appears.
  12. You can also add image afterwards by clicking "Image" picture on textarea. But you have to firstly upload the picture somewhere for example tinypic and paste direct link to image tool. Also you can edit your posts by clicking "edit" button bottom of your reply/topic. Anyways i guess your php/apache server is not configured correctly. If you wish to test your server with PHP, MySQL i recommend Xampp, Wampp (I recommend for testing only). Xampp (Linux, Windows, Mac, Solaris) WampServer Also you can add another thumbnail by clicking "Use Full Editor" OR "More Reply Options".
  13. You were right the 5000 lines might be too much, thx for help anyways
  14. Is it possible to read .csv or .xlsx file trough javascript/jQuery. My workplace wanted the 5000 lines so i guess the slow on older machines doesn't matter. Also they told that it should be done with javascript/jquery functions to get data. +NO PHP Example...Excel file data 0 | Item101 | Item1 Subcategory02 | Item1 Subcategory001 | Item1 Subcategory subcategory1 | Item210 | Item2 Subcategory And all Items in first category would go to first listbox and when clicking the item it would show the subcategories in second box.
  15. Anyways looks like this came to doublepost somehow, original is here: http://w3schools.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=46557 so close topic if you can.
  16. I guess this is problem at chrome, because on IE it works perfectly and on Chrome Zoom-out // In it removes the box. No errors displayed either css on html even inspect element removes the white box. I guess there is no point of showing code because i have no clue what part could make it, anyways my css file is here http://mudsaf.info/style/mudsaf.css Anyways noticed that if i refresh the page while on bottom on the page it disappears and doesn't appear when scroll up, but if i refresh page while im at top of the page the white box appears.
  17. Umm its not actually displayed on any CSS-HTML because if i inspect element it dissapears or zoom in-out it dissapears.
  18. Anyone got fix? Versio 24
  19. Anyone got fix? Versio 24
  20. Try this <?phpsession_start();include('themesys.php')?> <br><br><div class="bbox"> <center> <?php if (isset($_SESSION['user_id'])) { $con = mysql_connect("mystuff","mystuff","mypw") or die("Could not connect to hostserver: " . mysql_error());mysql_select_db("mydb") or die("Could not select database: " . mysql_error()); $id = $_SESSION['user_id'];$sql="INSERT INTO discussions (name, desc, maker) VALUES('{$_POST['namevalue']}', '{$_POST['descvalue']}','$id')";mysql_query($sql) or die("MySQL error: " . error());echo "Discussion started!"; mysql_close($con);} else {header('Location: login.php');}?> </div></body>
  21. Site Name: Mudsaf.infoSite Description: A little website hobby that i like do at my own time. Some flash games shoutbox and some other stuff also.Site Owner/Developer: MeSite Address: http://mudsaf.infoExtra Comments: Feel free to play flash games at here, the website is under developement but most of it works fine. There will be alot of updates and prob some style fixing and some other fixing also. Login/Regsiter works but the profile page/other stuff about profiles'r under construction.
  22. Mudsaf


    Why there is so many divs? its like total mess. Try adding code to codearea it might help bit. Cleared the code bit<p>Here is the code</p><p> </p><!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"><html><title>new project</title><head></head><body onload="loop()"><script type="text/javascript">function loop(){var names = ['john','gail','julie','jason','zoe'];var allnames = names.length;for (var i = 0; i < names.length; i++) {document.write(names[i]+"<br>");}}</script></body></html>
  23. This is your repost... go 2 post down and check replies there.http://w3schools.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=46536
  24. Hello, im trying to make javascript/jquery code that will read excel file so i can paste it to listbox and make some functions.It should be like this DEMO 7, but with excel data and not php http://kotowicz.net/jquery-option-tree/demo/demo.html Here is one example also but mine needs more functionality not just writing all data to javascript, because i have 5000 lines in my excel file. http://www.mol.fi/paikat/
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