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Everything posted by chazzledazzle

  1. Jesh,Thanks for your reply. Unfortunately, the editor doesn't recognize it, and there is no output. Sad. What I am going to have to figure out is:1. The exact script to put into the js doc.2. The div call, which i think i have.3. How to make this easier in the future.Here is the issue I am working with:I am using (read 'have to use') a web based WYSIWYG editor, that essentially breaks a page up into components... there is a wrapper that contains the navigation pieces. There is a WYSIWYG editor which inserts the pages into the wrapper. In order to get any js into the pages, I need to do a call to the js doc. I am not the most skilled programmer, so this is a bit of a challenge for me. Just starting out with O'Reilly's JavaScript book (not the 5th edition either, sadly).
  2. Hello all,I am very new to JavaScript, and I am trying to get a page to include today's date, as well as a countdown to a specific date. For today's date, I am using: <script language = "javascript" type="text/javascript"><!--today = new DateweekDayName = new Array ("Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday","Saturday")monthName = new Array ("January","February","March","April","May","June","July","August","September","October","November","December")function printDate(){document.write("<b>" + weekDayName[today.getDay()]+ ", " + monthName[today.getMonth()] + " " + today.getDate()+ "</b>")}--></script> The problem is that I am using a WYSIWYG editor that does not like the 'document.write' script. It says that 'if I do not remove the offending code (their words), then IE will crash.' As a workaround, I am trying to put the code into a js doc, and call it up with a <div> tag, as instructed by the tech help, but it isn't working. Does anyone know how to do this? I might have left out pertinent pieces. Any and all help is truly, truly appreciated. Thanks!
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