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Everything posted by Mynscu

  1. Mynscu

    CSS equivalent

    body {padding: 0px;margin: 0px;}table {border: 0px;padding: 0px;margin: 0px;border-collapse:collapse; }td, th {padding: 0px;} I am using this stylesheet right now and it seems to have the same effect as border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" if I remove border-collapse then borders appear and it's not good.Anyways, another quick question (really don't want to start a new topic for this ). How do I make the width of a table cell remain the same no matter the text it contains. I tried just plain old width but it really didn't seem to have any effect if the text was longer. Also tried max-width with kinda the same effect.The height of the table is not restrained in any way.
  2. Mynscu

    CSS equivalent

    Tried it...it doesn't produce the same effect.If I add border-collapse:collapse then it has the same effect as the html attributes.
  3. Mynscu

    CSS equivalent

    border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" what's the CSS equivalent for these html atributes?I've been using border-collapse:collapse; border-spacing:0; padding:0 but it doesn't create the same effect? Does adding padding:0 for every td solve the issue?
  4. Yes I'm using Dreamweaver. Why should I try frameset?
  5. Thanks again for the advice / link Took me about half an hour to almost completely understand all the steps and it definately let me the impression it's way harder than with tables. Also the IE6 bug makes it even harder.So considering I'm just starting this, I'll have a go with tables and maybe when I am more confident in my html/css skills i'll give it a go.Thanks for the advices guys.
  6. Sweet info man, thank you very much Unfortunately you didn't get rid of me, some questions appeared from your advices. First, what do you actually mean by "conceptual reasons" Does it mean that i can do more with divs if I plan to add more features and stuff to the site? And second, what's the equivalent of the 3x3 table in divs? better said, how will i be able to insert those borders with divs? .Code or simple explanation would be great Thanks
  7. First of all Hello everyone. I'm pretty much new in web designing. I read the html/xhtml and css tutorials but they're not yet quite clear in my head so i'd apreciate some help 1. What's the best way to make a certain template for a site? For example I want to make a site with a picture on the top, then a horizontal navigation bar under it, a vertical navigation bar on the left, and in the center some space with the main content (on which I want on the top to have another 2 boxes that will contain for example links to the lastest news and latest forum posts). I don't need a code for this template, I just need someone to tell me what exactly should I use to structure all this. Tables work?, can/should I do it only with div?, frames?2. Here's a perfect example of what i meant at question number 1: <<...>> So, looking at this site, and considering the answer that you gave at question no.1, how do I add those images as borders to the site. you can see he has image borders around all the sections, different type, different size. What's the method used for making them.I tried to look at the site's source but it's kinda overwhelming and I know there are a lot of people on this forum that can give me a simpler explanation, like for a starting "designer" Thanks
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