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Everything posted by Mantz

  1. Mantz

    Font problem

    Thanx for all your help. I just figured it out. It was a Browser Problem. Safari is just too picky. Since it isn't allowed to use any other font than the standarts, the Safari just won't show it right. So I just mad a p.header class and it works fine now.CheersMantz
  2. Mantz

    Font problem

    I did try it with a class, but it still doesn't work. I just keep on trying difernt ways. Otherwise I'll just do it the hard way, and change it in each page... This doesn't change anything. It most be something else. But thanks for trying.
  3. Mantz

    Font problem

    Hey thereI got a strange question. I tried to use an external Font on my Webpage and it works perfect for p, but when I try to use it for any header (eg. h1) it just won't work. Can anyone tell me why, and what I could do about it?Here is an example from the w3schools page which I changed a bit so one can see my problem<html><head><style type="text/css">h3 {font-family: "Edwardian Script ITC"} //Here is the problem, it just shows the default fontp {font-family: "Edwardian Script ITC"}p.sansserif {font-family: sans-serif}</style></head><body><h3>This is header 3</h3><p>This is a paragraph</p><p class="sansserif">This is a paragraph</p></body></html>Thanx already
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