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Posts posted by rootKID

  1. Thanks dude, will take a look at it.

    All i am looking for really is something that has already been done by the "toogoodtogo" food website service when you look at their map :/


    They show which restaurants their services applies on the map, that is why i want it integrated...

  2. Hello W3S! Been a while ^^


    I have a question related to Google Maps. I dont know if anyone in here knows about the app/website named "TooGoodToGo"? Well, it is a company based on a varies of restaurants in the Nordic/West side of the world... that i am aware off anyways...


    they have this google map that shows the location(s) of each restaurant, showing the location, information, etc about it and prices. I would like to make something similar...


    That i already know is that i need longtitude and latitude, correct me if i am wrong.

    My question is, how do i make it like the TGTG website so that i can show Multiple locations in the map? With links to them as well as information & details about the prices?


    The idea is to let restaurants know that they can sell their "left overs" to less prices to those people that almost no money have... it is actually a greater deal in the Nordic/West, you can get a lot from it.. instead of wasting good food in the trash..


    Hopefully you know what i am talking about and my english dont scare you away :P


    Thanks in advance if you can help me solve this puzzle...


    PS: I am going to store the long and latitude in my database...


    Hope you can help me out where i fail, as usual :P


    Thanks again! :D

  3. Hello W3S, yet Again i need some answers/tips on some ideas i have been wondering about?


    First off, i am trying to make an "FTP" connection to my server online, from another server "that is also online".


    The idea is that when a user on my PortFolio uploads a Picture to he's And/or her's account on the forum i have made, that specific Picture will be used as an avatar BUT! I want that specific image/Picture to be uploaded to the other server online so the images/Pictures that is being uploaded will not be stored at the actual server where the website server-files are at.


    My question is now, which way is best to do this? Am i to be correct/assuming that i need to make an FTP connection to my other server BEFORE the image is being uploaded? Or is it after?


    The main reason/idea of me asking is simple, i dont want the Space of the server-files to be used on Things that will just fill up over time, and since i already had a server online at the same time as the other one, i thought it would be useful to use the Space at that server instead?


    Correct me if i am wrong "yet Again" please, but i could use some help with this "if anybody" had ever had the same idea etc? :)


    Thanks in advance! :)


    // rootKID :)

  4. I think it depends, i mean surely you can use both but is you use direct download "URL/photo.png", the user will have a direct access download-link to download by himself while a PHP download would use more performance in first reading the code and THEN the user would be able to download the image.


    There are many areas to take into consideration if you ask me, things like how many people are gonna use you website etc, it all depends on how many times the PHP script has to be run compared to the easier way of just giving a direct link to the image-download-link to the user?


    If you would ask me i would probably give a Direct link? :)


    Hope this helps.

    Regards, rootKID ;):P

  5. Hello, quick question... i have been told by a friend if i use the "ping" function in php, people would be able to make a "POD - Ping Of Death (DOS/DDOS)" to the server?


    This is my php function:

        function main_database_connection ()	{		global $DB;		$db_verify = mysqli_connect( $DB['host'], $DB['user'], $DB['password'], $DB['database'] );		        // Database Alive? (Check by ping PHP function!)		if ( mysqli_ping( $db_verify ) )		{			$mysqli = new mysqli (				$DB['host'],				$DB['user'],				$DB['password'],				$DB['database']			);						// Error check			if ( mysqli_connect_errno() )			{				echo "<b><u>"."An unexpected error happened when we tried to connect to the (MAIN) database server!"."</u></b>";				echo "<br />";				echo mysqli_connect_error();				exit();			}						// change database characters (collation)			$mysqli -> set_charset( $DB['charset'] );						// (query_connection) MAKER			// ----------------------------------------------------------------						//$GLOBALS["dbconn"] = $mysqli;            $GLOBALS["{$DB['globals']}"] = $mysqli;						// ----------------------------------------------------------------						////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////			// Loaders / Updaters			////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////			// Connection Type:			// MySQLI = Secured MySQLI Database Connection			////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////						// $connection = $mysqli; // Not used yet						// LOADERS GO FROM HERE AND BELOW!			// Example:			// curuser_loader();			// Just add the function like that as you would usually and you are good to go...		}		else		{			die("<br /><br />Main Database server not alive for some reason, come back later! Or check the host-service!");		}	} // End "main_database_connection" Function

    Can anyone confirm with me if this is correct etc? I just wonna make sure it is connecting the proper way x)


    Thanks! :)

  6. I dont know, i am using _hash and functions like that also. I am just adding "more" to the password line, you could call it a random shake of already very well protected and encrypted password makers. I am just rolling the dice so it is even more protected. Like i said, i dont use one, i use ALOT of different encryption methods, that is what i ment anyways in case you misinterpated what i said Oo? So it is not "all" custom made, just added a few things to some PHP encryption methods that was pre-added in the beginning ^^...

  7. Lol, i use Crypt() on my websites? However i use that one amongst with SHA1, MD5 and 4-5 different custom-made salt functions that will randomly throw the letters and numbers and signs around to make sure they are very well shaken and ready to be used as an password. Also known to be "Encrypted" ;).... still working on it tho, but working at the moment perfectly fine :)

  8. I already did try using google. I just dont know what file server_names_hash_bucket_size is in? At least in the WingInx server x)...




    Never mind, found the file. It is inside folder WingInx/conf/nginx.conf... just needed to add the server_names_hash_bucket_size attribute ^^


    Thanks anyways :P

  9. Hello W3S


    I have downloaded a program called WingInx, and its simply awesome! However, at the tool called "nginx" inside of it, it simply wont start. It keeps doing that every time i add a new project etc to the program? Any ideas?


    This is the log:

    2015/07/30 16:03:45 [notice] 2472#3904: signal process started2015/07/30 16:05:07 [notice] 4868#4996: signal process started2015/07/31 09:15:15 [emerg] 2200#2308: could not build the server_names_hash, you should increase server_names_hash_bucket_size: 322015/07/31 09:15:31 [emerg] 1768#320: could not build the server_names_hash, you should increase server_names_hash_bucket_size: 322015/07/31 09:15:34 [emerg] 3468#1988: could not build the server_names_hash, you should increase server_names_hash_bucket_size: 322015/07/31 09:16:28 [emerg] 2932#2164: could not build the server_names_hash, you should increase server_names_hash_bucket_size: 322015/07/31 09:48:07 [emerg] 220#2688: could not build the server_names_hash, you should increase server_names_hash_bucket_size: 32

    Something about server_names_hash... and i'm not sure what to do :/

    Any ideas anybody?


    Thansk for support as always! :)

    • Like 1
  10. Okay, not sure if the title says all i wanna say so just gonna ask anyways ^^


    First thing, this website right here: http://www.ovh.ie


    Take a look at their menu! It is awsome! And currently, im trying to make something very similar. So my question is this, is there any tutorial online that shows how to make a menu like that? I'm talking about a 3 column menu made with "UL/LI"? Tried to take a look at their CSS files and their "CTRL+U" code, hoping to learn something. Looks a little bit more complicated than i am used to make normal menus anyways...


    Hope you guys can help me out as always! Thanks alot! :)


    Hoping answers as soon as possible! :)

  11. Hmm... i'm not really sure about the security also, like you said. But the reason i said "security" is because the file is called "handler.php", on the file i will make ALL my functions and those functions i will use by including the file to the pages on the website where it's needed.


    So the reason i said security was really because no one should have direct access to the file itself except through other files where its been included orr something like that.


    But about HTAccess... how does it work? Never been the best top 100 at htaccess :/

  12. Hello W3S! Been a while x)


    Anyways, i believe my question lies in the title? Well i tried to do that anyways. It's more a question than a request this time.


    I was wondering for some security purposes on my forum, if it would be possible for the logout file of a user to have NO DIRECT ACCESS in the URL to it?


    Meaning the only, and i stress the word ONLY ACCESS to the file, are by entering it from another file and if they try to go by url like so:




    then they will simply be re-directed to index.php file.

    Is this possible Oo? If so, which ways are there? Would be great to have as an "extra ordinary" security i think ^^'


    Thanks for your help as usual! ^^

  13. Hi W3S! Time for another question (lol) :P


    So, i've been struggling with this for the past 2 days now, and can't seem why the SQL not would insert the damn query :/


    The thing is, i have ALOT of checkboxes/information that has to be inserted to the database IF the checkbox is checked.


    This is the code for the checkboxes (new_data.php):

    // <center>TITLE HEADER</center> (80 Items)$checkboxes_centers = array(	"<center>Navn</center>",	"",	"",	"",	"<center>Informationer</center>",	"",	"",	"",	"",	"",	"",	"",	"",	"",	"",	"<center>Fødselsdags Dato</center>",	"",	"<center>Nuværende Stilling</center>",	"",	"",	"",	"<center>Civiltilstand</center>",	"",	"",	"",	"",	"",	"",	"<center>Kandidatens Billede</center>",	"",	"<center>Beskrivelse (Af Kandidat)</center>",	"",	"<center>Nøgleord</center>",	"",	"",	"",	"",	"",	"<center>Karakterisering</center>",	"",	"<center>Tilføjelser</center>",	"",	"<center>Styrke</center>",	"",	"<center>Største Success</center>",	"",	"<center>Svaghed</center>",	"",	"<center>Under Pres</center>",	"",	"<center>Konfliktsituation</center>",	"",	"<center>Motiv</center>",	"",	"<center>Karrierer</center>",	"",	"<center>Ryger</center>",	"",	"<center>Sygdomme</center>",	"",	"<center>Opsigelsesvarsel</center>",	"",	"",	"",	"<center>Gage</center>",	"",	"",	"",	"",	"",	"",	"",	"",	"",	"",	"",	"<center>Eksamen</center>",	"",	"",	"<center>Beskæftigelse</center>",	"",	"<center>Reference (1)</center>",	"",	"",	"",	"",	"",	"",	"",	"<center>Reference (2)</center>",	"",	"",	"",	"",	"",	"",	"",	"<center>Reference (3)</center>",	"",	"",	"",	"",	"",	"",	"",	"<center>Relevant</center>",	"",	"<center>Fritid</center>",	"",	"<center>Jobsøgende</center>",	"",	"<center>Jobsamtale</center>",	"",	"",	"",	"<center>Være Til Jobsamtale?</center>",	"",	"",	"",); // End "$checkboxes_centers"// <label> text </label> (80 Items)$checkboxes_names = array(	"VIS SEKTION",	"Fornavn",	"Mellemnavn",	"Efternavn",		"VIS SEKTION",	"Gadenavn",	"Nr",	"Etage",	"Side",	"Postnr",	"By",	"Land",	"Email",	"Telefon",	"Mobil",		"VIS SEKTION",	"Fødseldato (CPR / 6-cifre)",		"VIS SEKTION",	"Stillings Titel",	"Stillings Virksomhed",	"Stillings Job",		"VIS SEKTION",	"Tilstand",	"Drenge Hjemme",	"Drengenes aldre",	"Piger Hjemme",	"Pigernes aldre",	"Hvordan kom de til?",		"VIS SEKTION",	"Kandidat Billede",		"VIS SEKTION",	"Beskriv dig selv",		"VIS SEKTION",	"Nøgleord 1",	"Nøgleord 2",	"Nøgleord 3",	"Nøgleord 4",	"Nøgleord 5",		"VIS SEKTION",	"Karakterisering",		"VIS SEKTION",	"Tilføjelser",		"VIS SEKTION",	"Styrke",		"VIS SEKTION",	"Største Success",		"VIS SEKTION",	"Svaghed",		"VIS SEKTION",	"Under Pres",		"VIS SEKTION",	"Konfliktsituation Takling",		"VIS SEKTION",	"Motiv",		"VIS SEKTION",	"Karriere",		"VIS SEKTION",	"Ryger",		"VIS SEKTION",	"Sygdomme",		"VIS SEKTION",	"Varsel antal måneder",	"Varsel særligt måneder",	"Klausuler",		"VIS SEKTION",	"Forventet månedsløn",	"Smærtegrænse",	"Nuværende månedsløn",	"Pension valuta",	"Bonus spørgsmål",	"Bonus valuta",	"PC/ADSL?",	"Bil",	"Telfon",	"Mobil",	"Andet",		"VIS SEKTION",	"Eksamen (Ja / Nej)",	"Forklaring",		"VIS SEKTION",	"Beskæftigelsesløn",		"VIS SEKTION",	"(1) Navn",	"(1) Titel",	"(1) Virksomhed",	"(1) Relation",	"(1) TLF",	"(1) Mobil",	"(1) Mail",		"VIS SEKTION",	"(2) Navn",	"(2) Titel",	"(2) Virksomhed",	"(2) Relation",	"(2) TLF",	"(2) Mobil",	"(2) Mail",		"VIS SEKTION",	"(3) Navn",	"(3) Titel",	"(3) Virksomhed",	"(3) Relation",	"(3) TLF",	"(3) Mobil",	"(3) Mail",		"VIS SEKTION",	"Relevant",		"VIS SEKTION",	"Fritid",		"VIS SEKTION",	"Jobsøgende (Ja / Nej)",		"VIS SEKTION",	"Jobsamtale (Ja / Nej)",	"Virksomhed",	"Dato",		"VIS SEKTION",	"Været Til Jobsamtale",	"Virksomhed",	"Dato"); // End "$checkboxes_names"// NO SPACES IN CONTENT! THESE ARE <input id="$ids">!!! (80 Items)$checkboxes_ids = array(	"section_names",	"fornavn",	"mellemnavn",	"efternavn",		"section_information",	"info_gadenavn",	"info_nr",	"info_etage",	"info_side",	"info_postnr",	"info_by",	"info_land",	"info_email",	"info_telefon",	"info_mobil",		"section_borndate",	"foedsel_dato",		"section_stilling",	"stilling_titel",	"stilling_virksomhed",	"stilling_job",		"section_civil",	"civil_tilstand",	"civil_drengehjemme",	"civil_drengesalder",	"civil_pigerhjemme",	"civil_pigersalder",	"civil_hvordan",		"section_avatar",	"billede",		"section_beskrivelse",	"beskriv_dig_selv",		"section_noegleord",	"noegleord_et",	"noegleord_to",	"noegleord_tre",	"noegleord_fire",	"noegleord_fem",		"section_karakterisering",	"karakterisering",		"section_tilfoejelser",	"tilfoejelser",		"section_styrke",	"styrke",		"section_stoerste_success",	"stoerste_success",		"section_svaghed",	"svaghed",		"section_under_pres",	"under_pres",		"section_konflikt_takling",	"konflikt_takling",		"section_motiv",	"motiv",		"section_karriere_oensker",	"karriere_oensker",		"section_ryger",	"ryger",		"section_sygdomme",	"sygdomme",		"section_opsigelsesvarsel",	"varsel_antal_mdr",	"varsel_saerligt_mdr",	"klausuler",		"section_gageforventninger",	"gage_oenskede_maaneds_loen",	"gage_smaertegraense",	"gage_nuvaerende_maaneds_loen",	"gage_pension_valuta",	"gage_bonus_spoergsmaal",	"gage_bonus_valuta",	"gage_pcadsl",	"gage_bil",	"gage_telefon",	"gage_mobil",	"gage_andet",		"section_eksamensbeviser",	"eksamen_ja_nej",	"eksamen_forklaring",		"section_anden_loen",	"anden_beskaeftigelses_loen",		"section_referencer_one",	//"ref_one",	"ref_one_navn",	"ref_one_titel",	"ref_one_virksomhed",	"ref_one_relation",	"ref_one_tlf",	"ref_one_mobil",	"ref_one_mail",		"section_referencer_two",	//"ref_two",	"ref_two_navn",	"ref_two_titel",	"ref_two_virksomhed",	"ref_two_relation",	"ref_two_tlf",	"ref_two_mobil",	"ref_two_mail",		"section_referencer_three",	//"ref_three",	"ref_three_navn",	"ref_three_titel",	"ref_three_virksomhed",	"ref_three_relation",	"ref_three_tlf",	"ref_three_mobil",	"ref_three_mail",		"section_relevant",	"relevant",		"section_fritid",	"fritid",		"section_jobsoende_ja_nej",	"jobsoende_ja_nej",		"section_jobsamtale_ja_nej",	"jobsamtale_ja_nej",	"jobsamtale_virksomhed",	"jobsamtale_dato",		"section_jobsamtale_vaeret_ja_nej",	"jobsamtale_vaeret_ja_nej",	"jobsamtale_vaeret_virksomhed",	"jobsamtale_vaeret_dato",); // End "$checkboxes_ids"for($i=0; $i < sizeof($checkboxes_names); $i++){	echo $checkboxes_centers[$i];	echo "<input type='checkbox' checked='checked' name='cat[dsfs_".$checkboxes_ids[$i]."]' id='".$checkboxes_ids[$i]."' value='' style='float: left;'>";	echo "<label for='".$checkboxes_ids[$i]."' style='float: left;'>".$checkboxes_names[$i]."</label>";}

    and this is the code for the check-boxes insertion (add_data.php):

    $dsfs_id_runner = $ds_FK_dsg_id_runner;$checkboxes = (isset($_POST['cat']) ? $_POST['cat'] : array());if( isset($checkboxes) ){	// K == Keys	// V == Values	$keys = array();	$values = array();		foreach( $checkboxes as $k => $v )	{		$keys[] = $k;		$values[] = 1;	}		$query_dsfs = "INSERT INTO dataskema_forms_settings ( ".implode(',', $keys)." ) VALUES ( ".implode(',', $values)." )";	$mysqli->query($query_dsfs);		//die("You just passed the checkpoint of where the query SHOULD have been successfully made!");}

    Since i have a "for-loop" at the checkboxes to make them because i have ALOT of them, i thought to make an array of a sort to insert into the database for me.

    The names are EXACLY the same in the database with the one exception of a prefix added to them, which is (dsfs_)... this was only to make sure the database names were unique, and form was unique.


    Any ideas to why i simply can't insert this one Oo?

    I mean when i had the error of a wrong variable, it made a simple query to the database (almost working), but now when it's correct... wont do it... whatever i do, any ideas? This is kind of urgent (sort of)...


    Thanks alot in advance if anyone can help me! :)

  14. got it, thanks! :)




    However, i just realized something.

    IF i am going to use the way with offset etc in the SQL, will i be able to still retrieve the other rows in the table? I want only the first ID of all the rows to appear so i can use that in a variable called "$first_tab" and make an if/else statement to check if it should have the "active" class orr "not_active" class... that is what the idea is anyways.


    My question is simple, will i be able to use this SQL in a while loop, somehow only get the first ID in the variable, use that to give the class to the first "<li>" HTML and retrieve the others still to appear under it?


    Thanks! :)

  15. Hi W3S!


    Well not sure if this is possible to do in a SQL, i'm more of a "basic" guy in the SQL world...


    Well i did ask about "tabs & panes" for my forum project, however i have some trouble with the tabs & panes.


    So i thought, whenever a user enters my forum file (forums.php)... is it possible to get the very first ID via SQL if there is about 100 forums in there?


    My point is really to divide all the overforums into tabs that is clickable and so on?

    I did consider just to normally say "if ! isset" then take ID 1, else take the overforums where tab has been choosen.

    My question now is basically if it's possible to tell the server to take the very first ID of a table if there is about 100 rows in a table?


    I think it is possible.. but like i said, still a basic-pro guy... not a hardcore-pro hehe :P


    Anyways, hope you can help me out! Thanks alot! :)



  16. Sorry for late reply, exams coming soon, so studying all i can and only coding a little bit x)


    Anyways what i basically ment is that i am currently trying to build my own template/cms, so whenever i use the "echo" as one normally would, they will be shown as HTML, but with protected variables around it.. sort of, still in beta mode :P


    Right now i'm about to make the Checkboxes.

    When those are added, my plan is to add a foreach loop checking those that is checked, and not checked. Those that are checked will be updated in the database, and the other simply wont.


    What you think? :)


    Thanks :)

  17. oops... i ment what you said, one table holding all the information....


    The idea is that once the candidate has filled out the form, the customer wont be able to re-enter the same URL and use that url to enter the same formular...


    the database i already have covered from the formular site, i just need the setup for the "Enable / Disable" part... do you have a clue etc? Right now i have 2 tables.


    1 for the candidates information, thought it would be better to seperate the candidate from the form.

    And 1 for the actual formular.


    1 candidate equals 1 form in the database everytime another candidate is being created from the admin side.


    However i do see what you mean about the PHP/HTML thing... i just have my own template to run it with, sort of, so HTML wont work x)


    But bottom line is, when i add the checkboxes and adding them to the table i make... like int foreach row etc... how to make it? I mean should i run it over a foreach loop etc to only add those that is checked and not checked?


    What you think? :)

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