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Everything posted by Eivo

  1. Can you use RAD with PHP or only ASP?
  2. I am looking for content updaters for my clients. One that has been brought to my attention was R.A.D. Editor and they love it, but I am looking to weight my options. Does anyone know of other editors like this one?
  3. Ahh, thank you. I fixed that, however I am having the same problem. I dont understand why it is not writing to the .txt file. And then still not reading from it. They are all in the same dir. Could it be something with the server, a setting or something?
  4. I am new to PHP. I am trying to get a form to write to a .txt file and then read it back to me. It sounds simple enough but I can't seem to get it to work. I have three pages in this little exersize I am doing.The first page is a simple HTML file w/ a form on it. <form action="write.php" method="post"><p> <textarea name="story" cols="100" rows="15" id="story">Type here</textarea></p><p> <input name="submit" type="submit" id="submit" value="Click to Submit" /> <input name="reset" type="reset" id="reset" value="Click to Reset" /></p></form> So that sends the info to my "write.php" file. This page should write the data in the text box in the "story.txt" file and tell you what was wrote. <?php$file = fopen("story.txt", "w");fwrite($file, $_POST["story"]);fclose($file);?><p> The story you wrote will look like this:</p></br><p>" <?php echo $_POST["story"]; ?> "</p></br><a href="readfile.php">Check to see if the file wrote properly</a> Then the link takes you to the "readfile.php" that reads you the contents of "story.txt" <?php$file = fopen("story.txt","r");echo readfile($file;)fclose($file);?> I'm sure I am missing something stupid and small here (I always do when I program stuff) but can anyone point out what I am doing wrong because when "readfile.php" shows up, NOTHING is on it. It should read at least "uneffected" because that is the defualt text I have in the "story.txt" file. Also when I examine the "story.txt" file after I run this, it has not been written to. But "write.php" displays the post info like it should. Can someone please point out my error here...
  5. I am very new at PHP. I have a question about listing tables in a database. I saw that there is a mysql_list_tables() but it is described as deprecated and says to use mysql_query() instead to list the tables. So I guess the question I hate to ask is, how?
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