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confused and dazed

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Posts posted by confused and dazed

  1. Hello Internet.


    I have been using the following Doc Type for all my pages I am creating and there are things here and there that don’t seem to work on different browsers... things like Hover, mouseover, JavaScript to get a fly-in function working. What is the best Doc Type to use for these kinds of things? I have heard this doc type I have been declaring is a "quirky" doc type.


  2. Hello internet - here is what I would like to do: I want to load an html file into a <div> element in my current html file.I have several buttons on my webpage where I would like to be able to click the button so that the <div> element that I placed in the middle of the page (which is sort of large 500px by 500px) will display a dynamic file where I would have more buttons and <a href> links and anything that html page would have coded in it. Where should I start? You help as always is appreciated!!!

  3. Hello internet Safari is not allowing my radio buttons to work and it will not let submit my form connected with those... any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks. SUBMITTING THE FORMHTML<form name=poll1 id=poll1 method="post" target="_blank">.....<input type="radio" name="ne" id="ne1" value="1">.....</form> JAVAfunction poll1submit(){poll1.action = "polls_p.php";document.getElementById('poll1').submit()}

  4. You are not Justsomeguy you actually take this seriously and ARE someone. Your approach is one that does not give folks a bunch of code they may or may not understand...I took a lot of extra time to understand what my function was actually doing and in the end I needed to get rid of the time variable all together and make the restart function clear the timeout and reset the step variable. It now works great AND I understand the code I wrote. Thanks.

  5. O.K. so I was able to make the following code work IF I only click the button ONCE after the slideshow has ended... but if I just click away at the button it makes the images cycles VERY fast... How do I fix this? var timervar step=1var time=0 function restart(){if (!time){time=1; slideit();}}function slideit(){if (!document.images)returndocument.images.slide.src=eval("image"+step+".src")if (step<4)step++elsestep=1timer = setTimeout("slideit()",2500)if (step>3)clearTimeout(timer)time=0}

  6. I was able to make it work (with one minor workaround... the workaround was having to increase my image count to 4 because it would stop after the second picture and I wanted it to stop after the third - so I made image 3 & 4 the same) it worked but I wish I knew why it didn't work with 3 images. NOW I have an issue with starting over with the slide show. I put a button in and used an onclick function but it is not working... any suggestions? HTML<div class="slides"><img src="photo1.jpg" name="slide" width="180" height="180" /><script type="text/javascript">slideit()</script></div></div><input type=button class="sbutton" name=t1 value="Click to restart slideshow" onClick="restart();">JAVASCRIPTvar image1=new Image()image1.src="photo1.jpg"var image2=new Image()image2.src="photo2.jpg"var image3=new Image()image3.src="photo3.jpg"var image4=new Image()image4.src="photo3.jpg"function restart(){timer = setTimeout("slide()",2500)}var timervar step=1function slideit(){if (!document.images)returndocument.images.slide.src=eval("image"+step+".src")if (step<4)step++elsestep=1timer = setTimeout("slideit()",2500)if (step>3)clearTimeout(timer)}

  7. Hello internet. I am using the following code and I have not been able to write in a stop function. Nothing I have tried works. Please help. HTML<div class="slides"><img src="photo1.jpg" name="slide" width="180" height="180" /><script type="text/javascript">slideit()</script></div></div> JAVASCRIPTvar image1=new Image()image1.src="photo1.jpg"var image2=new Image()image2.src="photo2.jpg"var image3=new Image()image3.src="photo1.jpg"var step=1function slideit(){if (!document.images)returndocument.images.slide.src=eval("image"+step+".src")if (step<3)step++elsestep=1setTimeout("slideit()",2500)}

  8. Hello Internet. Back for another question. I am using CSS styling to make an image larger during a hover event. I have made the code work for IE but Safari does not like it. Actually what Safari is doing is once you click on the image it will show the original image AND the hover image together and separated. The desired effect is that once you hover over an image it will increase the image size. Please help... Here is my CSS code:.thumbnail{position: relative;}/*CSS for enlarged image*/.thumbnail span{position: relative;padding: 0px; left:0px; border: 0px solid #000000;visibility: hidden; color: black; text-decoration: none;}/*CSS for enlarged image*/.thumbnail span img{border-width: 1px solid #000000;padding: 0px;}/*CSS for enlarged image on hover*//*position where enlarged image should offset horizontally */.thumbnail:hover span{visibility: visible;top: -64px;left: -5px;} /*CSS to place DIV around the original image so it does not disturb the rest of my page*/.enlrg{ width:60px; height:70px; border: 1px solid #ffffff; float: left; margin-left: 0px;} Here is my HTML Code:<div id="enlarge" class="enlrg"><a class="thumbnail" href="http://espn.go.com/mens-college-basketball/team/_/id/97/louisville-cardinals" target="_blank"><img src="lvillelogo1.jpg" width="50" height="38" style="float: left; margin-left: 13px; margin-top: 20px;"><span><img src="lvillelogo1.jpg" width="60" height="44" style="float: left; margin-left: 13px; margin-top: 20px;"></span></a></div><div id="enlarge" class="enlrg"><a class="thumbnail" href="http://espn.go.com/mens-college-basketball/team/_/id/2483/oregon-ducks" target="_blank"><img src="oregonlogo1.jpg" width="50" height="38" style="float: left; margin-left: 9px; margin-top: 20px;"/><span><img src="oregonlogo1.jpg" width="60" height="44" style="float: left; margin-left: 9px; margin-top: 20px;"></span></a></div>

  9. Hello internet. I am having trouble with iPads rendering of my menu bars. I have created a menu bar using .menu class with hover capabilities for a three level menu. It works great except I can’t seem to find out how to hide the second and third level menus within the top level menu for safari. I was able to hide them within the .menu class I created for IE but iPads are showing all three levels of the menu on startup. Please help... This is a sample of how I hid the second level within the top level.menu ul ul {visibility:hidden; position:absolute;height:0;top:31px;left:0; width:149px;border-top:1px solid #000;}I defined the menu bar as:<div class="menu"><ul><li>..etc... and closed the menu bar with </li></ul></div>

  10. There were all differnet - spread between three different days. The first time I ran this new code DATE_FORMAT(CONVERT_TZ(TStamp, 'MST', 'EST'), '%b %d %Y %r') it made all the entries in my database the same time and date - All of them - regardless of gru=3 or not. Strange.

  11. Strange once again - I wiped out all the entries in gru=3 (sort of like starting over) in the database now it is acting right and displaying EST on a 12 hour rotation not 24. Why did I need to wipe out the entries for it to work right? Why would it not fix the ones already there? All is well that ends well!!! Thanks for the help on this one!!!

  12. O.K. so originally I had apostrophes where should not be any DATE_FORMAT('CONVERT_TZ(TStamp, 'MST', 'EST')', '%b %d %Y %r') changed to==> DATE_FORMAT(CONVERT_TZ(TStamp, 'MST', 'EST'), '%b %d %Y %r') so once I got rid of those it executed but all three entries that displayed had the same time stamp (I think it was supposed to be current time) but they all were wrong to the current time... All three comments in my database had this time stamp displayed in the webpage. They should not be all the same and the time is about 30 minutes slow... Mar 05 2013 12:04:10 PM

  13. I played around with the code for a while but I have not been able to integrate the following piece of code DATE_FORMAT('TStamp', '%b %d %Y %r') into my $result argument below... $result = mysql_query("SELECT CONVERT_TZ(TStamp, 'MST', 'EST') AS TStamp, NameC, Cmnts FROM View WHERE gru='3' ORDER BY M_id DESC");

  14. AS? I have not seen the AS verbiage in any code or tutorial as of yet. Wow I sure have a long way to go... So I played around with the code and used this code (below) and it worked - only problem is that now there is the military time issue. I have played around with some code but I cannot get it to work out. Suggestions? $result = mysql_query("SELECT CONVERT_TZ(TStamp, 'MST', 'EST') AS TStamp, NameC, Cmnts FROM View WHERE gru='3' ORDER BY M_id DESC");

  15. I would prefer method one. What’s interesting is that I made my way to the page you referenced prior to posting and I could not make the code work...How do I integrate the conver_tz into my code? BTW can you make a comment on why my code did not work?

  16. Hello internet. I am trying to place the local time in a php table using the code below - it executes but is not displaying the local time EST that I would like - it is still displaying GMT. What am I doing wrong here? Table is ViewColumn for date in mysql is TStampAuto Increment column is M_idgru references with a 3 which is the gru number where I send the persons comments to the Cmnts column //code$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM View WHERE gru='3' AND DATE_ADD(NOW(), INTERVAL 2 HOUR) > TStamp ORDER BY M_id DESC");echo "<table border='0'><tr><th>Name</th><th>Comments</th><th>Date & Time</th></tr>";while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { echo "<tr>"; echo "<td>" . $row['NameC'] . "</td>"; echo "<td>" . $row['Cmnts'] . "</td>"; echo "<td>" . $row['TStamp'] . "</td>"; echo "</tr>"; }

  17. It’s not about believing you. I'm sure what you are saying is correct. I am trying to figure out why its letting me enter data into the database this way.... It must be that there is some other code doing this that I just am not aware of. BTW since I was able to accomplish the goal I was reaching for I have since deleted the file I claim was doing this... I don’t have the code any longer to reference. I'm sure what you are saying is correct - I did make a file with just this code again and it does not send data... very interesting. There must have been other code allowing it or doing it.

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