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Posts posted by SnakesBite101

  1. i really dont want to do this but i would like my page critiqued. is it ok and safe to turn my laptop into a server just to do this for you guys?? i read so called's thread on how random european countries attack his server, or any server live, and got worried as i dont know anything about defending against that. if its ok to turn pc into server, how can i do this?

  2. Please read 1st Hi guys this page is not finished yet. so i know its incomplete, i just want thoughts and opinions. i didnt want to post my 1st webpage because i was just practising using margins, positioning etc... now i'm comfortable with those features i wanted to concentrate on design. now this is only a test page, i will not be turning it into a site so most of it's content is filler material i thought of during that moment. so please don't be too critical on things like that. i would like opinions on looks, layout, basically the design. i know there are a lot of colours which i was told is not a good idea. Any suggestions on what i should do better?what i should stop doing?Any good techniques i dont use that could help?? http://www.defdefinedgaming.byethost16.com/ Problems at the very end is one problem i ran into. that silly iFrame ran out of the main contents container. i put a border-bottom to show you where this happens. ive tried everything to correct this but its not working. ive tried: Padding-bottommargin-bottomset its container height to 100% it just won't hold that iframe, instead it messes up and repositions all the other elements in the div container. this is what is preventing me from completing the site. But hey i dont want the focus of this to be a help thread, i might make another for that. i just want opinions on the web page. Thanks

  3. i cheated and looked at Don's code. not sure why i couldnt work this out, but at least i understand the code. thank you Don and boen robot for your efforts to help me

  4. i did the sum to get 10. please tell me if this was a good or bad method: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <script type="text/javascript"> function sum(){ var answer = [1,2,3,4]; for (x in answer){ document.write(answer[x] += x); } } </script> </head> <body> <button onclick="sum();"> addition</button> </body> </html> time to try the multiply:(

  5. can someone please show me how just 1 of these functions are done. ill try to work out the other: Define a function sum() and a function multiply() that sums and multiplies (respectively) all the numbers in an array of numbers. For example, sum([1,2,3,4]) should return 10, and multiply([1,2,3,4]) should return 24. why can't i work out these simple tasks? :(

  6. hi guys i keep failing at the simpliest JS tasks. rather than making new threads each time for simple JS, i figured ill just ask here. heres what im trying to do: Write a function that takes a character (i.e. a string of length 1) and returns true if it is a vowel, false otherwise. this is the best i could come up with. it doesnt work, any tips? <!DOCTYPE html><html><head><script type="text/javascript">function vowel(i)if (i == "a" || i == "e" || i == "i" || i == "o" || i == "u") {return true;} else {return false;}</script></head><body><script type="text/javascript">alert("p" == vowel(i) ? "true" : "false");</script></body></html> lame attempt i know. will solving new tasks ever get easier? :(

  7. You could also do something like this: var max = a;if (b > max) max = b;if (c > max) max = c;return max; You could turn that into a loop to allow you to pass as many parameters as you want instead of only 3 and it will return the max, or you could pass an array of numbers to get the max from.
    ah thats very cool. please can you show me an example of how it would work with the array
  8. my function, max, takes 3 arguments. they are numbers. i want to return the largest number, but it keeps returning the 2nd largest, 27, when i want 41 to be returned. please what am i doing wrong? <!DOCTYPE html><html><head><script type="text/javascript">function max(a,b,c){ if( a > b && c ){ return a; }else if (b > a && c){ return b; }else{ return c; }}</script></head><body><script type="text/javascript">alert(max(27,13,41));</script></body></html>

  9. There's more than one way to do it.Photoshop has a "slice" function that selects a portion of the image and removes everything else. Another way you could do it is select "canvas size" from the Image menu and make it smaller.
    hey thanks i got it to work using your method. ive never had t a chance to get into photoshop, is it affordable? so many people have it but i remember being told its $700? any cheaper versions of photoshop out there?
  10. hey guys. today is my 1st day working with images. i saw a nice pic i saw i wanted to add to my 1st test site. problem is the pic is to tall. i dont want to adjust the height in css because there are parts of the pic that i would rather delete. i used Paint to cut the section i did'nt want. sadly paint cuts and turns that section blank, but its still part of the pic. ive tried the cut method on gimp too and its the same thing. what is the feature called to actually delete parts of a pic, or how can i do this? thanks

  11. Here's what you need to do for the answer you need. Use margin to set all your margins for simplicity. http://www.w3schools.../css_margin.asp ...and use float consistently. Remember, if an element's out of the flow, it won't be where you need it.
    ok i will give it a shot. i previously played around with margin to try and solve but i havent tried the float method. not great with float. any ideas why the page randomly changed? i had 2 separate files of the same page and both .html files have been affected yet the code is the same. could it be browser settings?
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