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Everything posted by jteixeira

  1. jteixeira

    If problem

    yes it is a pseudo-code but i don't know how to do to run sucessfull (i'am using sql server express)Database -> barcodeTable -> inforComuns -> descricao(description) and codbarras(barcode)
  2. jteixeira

    If problem

    I put this:variable->kif k=1select * from inforwhere descricao like 'CAP%'if k=2select *from inforwhere descricao like 'RES%'and show me this -> Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Line 1 Incorrect syntax near '>'.
  3. jteixeira

    If problem

    Hello,I have 1 table, 2 columns - desc and barcodeIn the barcode column I products CAP-..... and RES-....I want to make a condition if i select 1, list all products with CAP and 2, list all the products with RESMore or less this:variable->kif k=1 select all from infor where desc like 'CAP%'if k=2 select all from infor where desc like 'RES%'
  4. select count(*)from "TableName"
  5. jteixeira


    I am lerning alone MAYA, and I want to know where i can find many tutorials to learn more MAYA, I live in PORTUGAL and I want to make animations movies in other countries
  6. jteixeira


    doesn't work, this apply all tables with the same value
  7. jteixeira

    Syntax Problem

    DELETE FROM Table WHERE resultcode= ('SLE' or 'SLD' or 'SL1' or 'SL2') and ondate between '2006-11-13 00:00:00.000' and #somedate#
  8. jteixeira


    Hello I Have 2 Tables:Infofin_prodid Infoid Maquinaid idprod salesProd cashprod5861 203 05BV02000230 bq0001 25 5,005862 203 05BV02000230 bq0003 8 1,605863 203 05BV02000230 bq0005 2 0,405864 203 05BV02000230 bq0007 2 0,505865 203 05BV02000230 bq0009 3 0,75InfoFinanceirainfoid Maquinaid Sumcash Sumprod203 05BV02000230 13,15 181204 05BV02000230 0,00 1205 05BV02000230 0,20 3206 05BV02000230 0,75 6207 05BV02000230 0,25 3I want update all the column of InFoFinanceira with the sum of salesprod values per infoid
  9. jteixeira

    Simple Query

    I find the error: Update Infofin_prodset precoprod=(dinheiroprod/vendasprod)where(Select Infofin_prod.maquinaid,nicname,vendasprod,dinheiroprod,precoprodFrom Infofin_prod INNER JOIN Maquina on maquina.maquinaid=Infofin_prod.MaquinaidWhere(precoprod*vendasprod)<>dinheiroprod) --->*/ I have to delete */ to query works
  10. jteixeira

    Simple Query

    Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Line 5Incorrect syntax near '/'.
  11. jteixeira

    Simple Query

    Update Infofin_prodset precoprod=(dinheiroprod/vendasprod)where(Select Infofin_prod.maquinaid,nicname,vendasprod,dinheiroprod,precoprod From Infofin_prod INNER JOIN Maquina on maquina.maquinaid=Infofin_prod.Maquinaid Where(precoprod*vendasprod)<>dinheiroprod)*/ For some reson it doesn't work
  12. jteixeira


    Store of System and back 2 two days behind. It works
  13. jteixeira


    It's a way to undo update tables
  14. jteixeira


    Select Avarias.maquinaid,tipo,NomeAvaria,Avarias.data,Avarias.horaFrom Avarias INNER JOIN DESCAvarias on descavarias.TipoAvaria=Avarias.tipoWhere Avarias.hora between '1900-01-01 21:00:00.000' and '1900-01-01 06:00:00.000'Group by Avarias.maquinaid,tipo,NomeAvaria,Avarias.data,Avarias.horaI can't delevop The Breakdown between 21:00 and the 06:00
  15. jteixeira


    Hello,I have this Query:UPDATE InfoFinanceiraSET InfoFinanceira.TotalCobrado = (Select sum(dinheiroprod) From Infofin_prod INNER JOIN InfoFinanceira on InfoFinanceira.infoid=Infofin_prod.infoid Where Infofin_prod.infoid=207)WHERE InfoFinanceira.infoid=207But this only update one, how i can make this to udpate all?
  16. jteixeira


    It is possible to make a graphic in Microsoft SQL Sever Express???
  17. jteixeira

    AVG Question

    In avg calculation has give me 0,4383 i want put 0.4 how i make it
  18. jteixeira


    this works in Microsoft SQL SERVER EXPRESS?
  19. jteixeira


    i want that apears a message to say if the breakdown passes 1 day
  20. jteixeira


    Select breakdown.machineid,nicname,breakdown.type,breakdownName,breakdown.duraction,(breakdown.durantion/1440) as "Daysbreakdown"From breakdown INNER JOIN Machine on machine.machineid=breakdown.machineid INNER JOIN DESCbreakdown on DESCbreakdown.breakdownType=breakdown.typeWhere duration>=1440Group by breakdown.Machineid,nicname,breakdown.type,breakdownName,breakdown.duration1440 -> number of minutes per dayI want to print per breakdown if the breakdown Time is bigger ther 1440
  21. jteixeira


    I have this query -->Select Avarias.Maquinaid,nicname,Avarias.tipo,NomeAvaria,Avarias.duracao,(Avarias.duracao/1440) as "DiaAvariados"From Avarias INNER JOIN Maquina on maquina.maquinaid=Avarias.maquinaid INNER JOIN DESCAvarias on descavarias.TipoAvaria=Avarias.tipoWhere duracao>=1440Group by Avarias.Maquinaid,nicname,Avarias.tipo,NomeAvaria,Avarias.duracaoAnd i want print for each if the time is more then 1 week
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