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  1. Hey Justsomeguys, Eletroscitech,Thank you very much for your replies! They're looking like they'll be very helpful, though I'm quite clumsy at putting them into practice. I thougt I might give you guys the source code that I have so far, and see whether you might be able to help me fit the pieces of the puzzle together.<html><head><title>F SANDWICH</title><body bgcolor="#EDEEF2" text="#000000" leftmargin="0" topmargin="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" link="#000000" vlink="#000000" alink="#000000"><center><p align=center><img src="fsandwich.gif" alt="fsandwich.gif" width="600" height="500" border="0" usemap="#fsandwich"><map id="fsandwich" name="fsandwich"><area shape="rect" coords="501,240,597,267" alt="test" href="test" target="test"></a></p></head><body></body></html>I'm not sure how to fit the javascript into what I've already got. I'm hoping that I won't have to write the whole thing again...!
  2. Hello,I'm working on an art ptoject and am trying to achieve a few things. I welcome any ideas that might be helpful!Firstly, the aim of my project is to explore the tension between democratic access to art and it's elitist nature. I also want to look at the way popular culture and 'art' clash, where the intersection between the two lies and whether there realls is any distinction.To that end, I'm trying to build a website that is very chaotic, with lots of animations, which at the moment I have in .gif form. I have a basic understanding of html, but it's not great!Specific questions;1. How can I make links that randomly pick out a link from a list that I've made? 2. How can I turn specific areas of a page into links? I know how to do this for rectangles using coordinates that I mark out using Adobe Image Ready, but can I do it with other shapes too? How?3. Is it possible to make links out of images that are invisible until one passes the mouse over the area that they're in?4. Can anyon recommend any cheap/shareware software that I can use on a mac to build an effective website?5. Is it possible to make files so they are downloadable to an iPod or a cellular phone?6. Is there anyway that I could burn a cd that, when put into someone's computer, could automatically access my website, once it's made?I'd appreciate any possible input very much!
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