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Posts posted by DNA180

  1. Into a php page I have 20 text boxes. I want to make a button, using javascript, and when user clicks on it the rest 19 text boxes to take 1st text box's text. I have done something like this but it isn't working... Any idea???

    function Throw_PhotoStuff(){var pcount=1; while(pcount<20;){document.getElementById('photo_'+pcount).value = document.getElementById('photo_1').value; pcount++;}}

    Thank you for your precius time!!!

  2. Hello everyone!!! I have install a joomla plugin by the name AllVideos Plugin. All I have to do is to put some tags like this {youtube}h2TLC0zGwKE{/youtube} somewhere in to my site and my video shows up!!! In this point I need your help... In to my php code I have add a hidden textbox that holds video's source and a div that will show video when I click on an image using javascript.Part of PHP code

    <input id="video_url" name="video_url" type="hidden" value="" /><div id="video"></div>

    Part of JAVASCRIPT code

    var Open      = String.fromCharCode(123,121,111,117,116,117,98,101,125); // {youtube}var Close     = String.fromCharCode(123,47,121,111,117,116,117,98,101,125); // {/youtube}var video     = document.getElementById("video");var video_url = document.getElementById("video_url");...video.innerHTML =  Open+video_url.value+Close;

    The problem is that youtube tags appear just as plain text! Take a look at this image:



    Any idea how I will make it work??? Thank you in advance!!!

  3. Hello guys!!! :good:


    I think I need some help here... I have make a database query and some variables that take values from this query. Variables look like this...

    $photo_1  = $photos_itemrow->photo_1;$photo_2  = $photos_itemrow->photo_2;$photo_3  = $photos_itemrow->photo_3;$photo_4  = $photos_itemrow->photo_4;$photo_5  = $photos_itemrow->photo_5;

    What I want to do is to make this variables using WHILE for example. Something like this...

    $count=1; while ($count <= 5){${'photo_'.$count} = ${'photos_itemrow->photo_'.$count};$count++;}

    Or like this...

    $count=1; while ($count <= 5){${'photos_itemrow->photo_'.$count};$count++;}

    But none of those two way is working!!! Does anybody have any idea how to do this???Thank you in advance!!!

  4. Hello guys!!! :DI think I need your help here... I have made this JS code below in to my site and I have a problem. When I click on maximize icon, first time doesn't work and it works on second click!!! Does anybody knows what am I doing wrong???FIDDLE EXAMPLE: HERE


    function Images_MaxMin(){		var div_1   = document.getElementById("image_max");var div_2   = document.getElementById("image_min");var big_img = document.getElementById("big_image");var img_url = document.getElementById("img_url");                          if (div_1.style.display == 'block' || div_1.style.display == '')     {div_1.style.display = 'none';      big_img.src         = '';      div_2.style.display = 'block';}else {div_1.style.display = 'block';      big_img.src	  =  img_url.value;       div_2.style.display = 'none';}}

    Thank you in advance!!!

  5. I have made three "boxes" and each box contains a button. When I click the button, box hiding, when click again, box appears. This is my html code:

    	<div id="SC1_A_"> <!-- BOX -->	<div id="SC1_B_" onClick="SC1();" class="something"> </div> <!-- BUTTON -->	</div>	<div id="SC2_A_">	<div id="SC2_B_" onClick="SC2();" class="something"> </div>	</div>	<div id="SC3_A_">	<div id="SC3_B_" onClick="SC3();" class="something"> </div>	</div>

    This is my javascript code:

    	<script type="text/javascript">		function SC1(){		  	  var SC1_A = document.getElementById('SC1_A_);	  var SC1_B = document.getElementById('SC1_B_);			  if (SC1_A.style.display == 'block' || SC1_A.style.display == ''){		  SC1_A.className	  = 'something';		  SC1_B.className	  = 'something else';}  	else {SC1_A.className	  = 'something else';		  SC1_B.className	  = 'something';}		 }		 }	</script>

    The example above works, but I have to make three similar scripts for each button. So I though to make something like this script below, using for loop. As you can imagine it didn't work. Any idea how can I make it work??? Thank you in advance!!!

    	<script type="text/javascript">				for (i=1; i<10; i++){		  	function SCi(){		  	  var SCi_A = document.getElementById('SC'+i+'_A_');	  var SCi_B = document.getElementById('SC'+i+'_B_');			  if (SCi_A.style.display == 'block' || SCi_A.style.display == ''){		  SCi_A.className	  = 'something';		  SCi_B.className	  = 'something else';}  	else {SCi_A.className	  = 'something else';		  SCi_B.className	  = 'something';}		 }		 }	</script>

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