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Everything posted by iamnoguru

  1. iamnoguru

    PHP array values

    Hi,I am trying to store a value$dagcacheterm1[$termid[$k][0]]=$term1id;then assigning$term1id=$dagcacheterm1[$geneterms[$i]];here $termid[$k][0] is $geneterms[$i]but the value for $termid[$k][0[ it takes as array instead of it value.what should i do.
  2. i got a new problem, what if i want to return multiple things from one function.function makearray($result,$k){$num1 = mysql_numrows($result);echo "<br/><br/>result3 rows: ".$num1."<br/>";$relid = array();$term1id = array();$term2id = array(); for($i=0;$i<$num1;$i++) { $relid[$k][$i]=mysql_result($result,$i,"relationship_type_id");$term1id[$k][$i]=mysql_result($result,$i,"term1_id");$term2id[$k][$i]=mysql_result($result,$i,"term2_id");}$array =array($relid,$term1id,$term2id);return $array;}i want to return relid,term1id, term2id but i am not able to do this way..
  3. i need the values of all the field relid term1id, and term2id how do i do that.function makearray($result,$k){$num1 = mysql_numrows($result);echo "<br/><br/>result3 rows: ".$num1."<br/>";$relid = array();$term1id = array();$term2id = array(); for($i=0;$i<$num1;$i++) { $relid[$k][$i]=mysql_result($result,$i,"relationship_type_id");$term1id[$k][$i]=mysql_result($result,$i,"term1_id");$term2id[$k][$i]=mysql_result($result,$i,"term2_id");}$array =array($relid,$term1id,$term2id);return $array;}
  4. include 'functionstouse.php';mysql_data_seek($result, 0);$k=0;$num = mysql_numrows($result);while ($row1 = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $query3 = 'SELECT DISTINCT p.id,r.relationship_type_id,r.term1_id,r.term2_id FROM graph_path INNER JOIN term AS t ON (t.id = graph_path.term2_id) INNER JOIN term AS p ON (p.id = graph_path.term1_id) INNER JOIN term2term AS r ON (r.term2_id = p.id) WHERE t.acc="'.$row1['acc'].'" ORDER BY graph_path.distance ASC'; $result3 = mysql_query($query3) or die("Query Failed! " . mysql_error());$num1 = mysql_numrows($result3);echo "<br/><br/>result3 rows: ".$num1."<br/>";$relid = array();$term1id = array();$term2id = array(); for($i=0;$i<$num1;$i++) { $relid[$k][$i]=mysql_result($result3,$i,"relationship_type_id");$term1id[$k][$i]=mysql_result($result3,$i,"term1_id");$term2id[$k][$i]=mysql_result($result3,$i,"term2_id");}echo $k;//for($k=0;$k < $num; $k++){for ($i = 0; $i < $num1; $i++) {echo $relid[$k][$i]. "<br>";echo $term1id[$k][$i]. "<br>";echo $term2id[$k][$i]. "<br>";//}}$mygeneresult = array();for ($i = 0; $i < $num1; $i++) { $results = array(); $current = $term2id[$k][$i]; echo "current is ".$current; computeSval($current,$term1id[$k][], $term2id[$k][],$relid[$k][],1,$results,$k); $mygeneresult[] = $results; echo "<br>S value DAG for ".$term2id[$k][$i].": ".array_sum($results)."</br>"; echo "No of terms in the DAG: ".sizeof($term2id[$k][0])."<br>"; print_r($results);}$k++;}And the funtion is<?function computeSval($current,&$term1id,&$term2id,&$relid, $currentSval, &$results,$k) {echo "In function <br>";print_r(array_values($term1id));echo $k;echo "In function <br>"; if ($key = array_search($current, $results)) { if ($results[$key] < $currentSval) { $results[$key] = $currentSval;} } else { $results[$current] = $currentSval; } for ($i = 0; $i < 32; $i++) { if ($term2id[$k][$i] == $current) { if ($relid[$k][$i] == 2) $factor = 0.8; else $factor = 0.5; computeSval($term1id[$k][$i],$term1id[$k][],$term2id[$k][],$relid[$k][],$currentSval*$factor,$results); } }}?>but i dont see any values in term1id or term2id in the fuction
  5. I have an array in a file two dimensional one for($k=0;$k<$num;$k++) for($i=0;$i<$num1;$i++) { $id1[$k][$i]=mysql_result($result3,$i,"e_id");$id[$k][$i]=mysql_result($result3,$i,"1_id");$id2[$k][$i]=mysql_result($result3,$i,"2_id");}}Now I want pass this valuses to a functionhow do i do it;And I want to pass for every k
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