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Everything posted by chitrag

  1. I just have problem with IE8
  2. When I try to open my site in IE 8 It redirect like this res://ieframe.dll/acr_error.htm#egtours.com,http://www.egtours.com/10_days_nepal_trip.php Can not open the pages and askt to send report How to fix this issues
  3. chitrag

    bullet issues

    Yes every body noted about that line. There is one stylesheet that used for horizontal menu which I am using as plug in and custom.css for templates I think this is due to conflict between two stylesheet but I could not figure out which one effects it.
  4. chitrag

    bullet issues

    Hi,Thank you for your support. I have those line in my following custom.csswhat happened is my template style sheet is custom.css and I added a plug in for horizontal menu that come with following stylesheet call jquery.megamenu.css after this it got two bullets at the same list. I try to edit both but no effect.http://www.egtours.com/sohoadmin/plugin ... gamenu.csshttp://www.egtours.com/sohoadmin/progra ... custom.css
  5. chitrag

    bullet issues

    there are two bullets type appears in my website why this happened. http://www.egtours.com/Activities.php It is in hsubmenu as well as in the content body area. How to fix it ?
  6. Than you for your reference. But my website is made using online Soho site builder. I think there should make some changes in template file pound varible or some thing that I could not fix.
  7. I want make horizontal drop down sub menu like in here in my site http://egtours.com where to edit my custom.css file exactly and template files. Your help will be highly appreciated.
  8. chitrag


    How to create search within the pages of website ? how to create this kind of functions.
  9. what to do with that ? Need to add some code or delete something ?
  10. so far I have fix the issues. But it looks fine chrome, firefox but in IE8 it does not show up navigation below large image
  11. Thanks, but it is in .js file or in .css file to edit ? I am really newbie
  12. Thank you for your help. It works better than before but still not satisfied. Since, example here I am wondering which variable should I need, is it css issues or js issues ? There are two css files with this slide slow.
  13. Everything all right but the thumbnail goes to below large image. Actually it should be on the right hand side as example here http://menucool.com/slider/jquery-slideshow
  14. I want to use following code in my site. My content area of page is 600px and want position it correctly in my site. I made it but it does not work. http://www.egtours.com/test.php Content Slider Code /* http://www.menucool.com */#sliderFrame {position:relative;width:600px;margin:0;}#slider { width:600px;height:228px;/* Make it the same size as your images */ background:#fff url(loading.gif) no-repeat 50% 50%; position:relative; margin:0; box-shadow: 0px 1px 7px #999999;}#slider img { position:absolute; border:none; display:none;}/* the link style (if an image is wrapped in a link) */#slider a.imgLink { z-index:2; display:none;position:absolute; top:0px;left:0px;border:0;padding:0;margin:0; width:100%;height:100%;}/* Caption styles */div.mc-caption-bg, div.mc-caption-bg2 { position:absolute; width:600px; height:auto; padding:0; left:0px; /*if the caption needs to be aligned from right, specify by right instead of left. i.e. right:20px;*/ top:270px;/*if the caption needs to be aligned from bottom, specify by bottom instead of bottom. i.e. top:150px;*/ z-index:3; overflow:hidden; font-size: 0;}div.mc-caption-bg { background-color:transparent;}div.mc-caption { font: normal 12px/16px Verdana; color:#333; z-index:4; padding:10px 0; text-align:left;}div.mc-caption a { color:#09F;}div.mc-caption a:hover { color:#06C;}/* ------ built-in navigation bullets wrapper ------*/div.navBulletsWrapper { display:none;}/* --------- Others ------- */#slider{ transform: translate3d(0,0,0); -ms-transform:translate3d(0,0,0); -moz-transform:translate3d(0,0,0); -o-transform:translate3d(0,0,0);}
  15. I am trying to put this content slider in my site page. Everything working but I could not layout with .css http://menucool.com/slider/jquery-slideshow I tested in my site http://www.egtours.com/test.phpHow can I figure out the problem and solve it ?
  16. In my site there are two types of site pages appeared. What happened is when google web crowler search they find following type page with same content same name and those page goes below ranking. Now google ranking prefer to second one instead of 1. So, how can I remove 1. type of pages from my site ? few of my site pages appeared with both as below example.1. http://www.egtours.com/index.php?pr=tibet_weather2. http://www.egtours.com/tibet_weather.php
  17. Thank you so muchYes it worked removing generic.css. But still in firefox and chrome the slide goes in the left side and part of content area disappear. But I am wondering how to find doctype etc in the home page ?
  18. I just installed image slider in my site www.egtours.com and after installing it, my left vertical menu goes in two lines and font became bold part of content area also not appeared. How to fix it
  19. I am trying to use following slide gallery in my site. http://mootools.net/forge/p/slidegallery example 6 and tested in the following my page http://www.egtours.com/test.php But it does not work. I could not figure out what is going on in coding ? or is there any other easy code for slide show I am interested ?
  20. I just want to post something but how can I ?

  21. I just want to post something but how can I ?

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