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Posts posted by Stream

  1. The error Last inserted record has id 0 happens when i am putting $sql = mysql_query("SELECT id_add_car,model,date FROM add_new_car WHERE model='$model' and date=NOW() ORDER BY id_add_car,date DESC LIMIT 1");$maxrowid = mysql_fetch_array($sql);$id_insert = $maxrowid['id_add_car']; echo "<br /><br /><h2><b>".$id_insert."</b></h2><br /><br />";

  2. What if it gives me an error like Last inserted record has id 0$sql = mysql_query("SELECT id_add_car,model,date FROM add_new_car WHERE model='$model' and date=NOW() ORDER BY id_add_car,date DESC LIMIT 1");$maxrowid = mysql_fetch_array($sql);$id_insert = $maxrowid['id_add_car']; echo "<br /><br /><h2><b>".$id_insert."</b></h2><br /><br />";$sql ="Insert into image_add_car (user_id,ap_id,big,small) VALUES (LAST_INSERT_ID(),'2','$filename','$filename1')"; printf ("Last inserted record has id %d\n", mysql_insert_id()); mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());

  3. Can you tell me please why when I am trying to get the ID by the way like it's shows me nothing $sql = mysql_query("SELECT id_add_car,model,date FROM add_new_car WHERE model='$model' and date=NOW() ORDER BY id_add_car,date DESC LIMIT 1");$maxrowid = mysql_fetch_array($sql);$id_insert = $maxrowid['id_add_car']; echo "<br /><br /><h2><b>".$id_insert."</b></h2><br /><br />";

  4. Try removing the single quotes from the select query, and adding a set of () brackets around it instead.It's probably being treated as a string.
    $sql = "Insert into image_add_car (user_id,ap_id,big,small) VALUES ((SELECT id_add_car FROM add_new_car WHERE date=NOW() ORDER BY id_add_car,date DESC LIMIT 1),'2','$filename','$filename1')";mysql_query($sql);

    I ve done it as you told me but it gives the same thing. to Mudsaf It gives no erros

  5. Thanks for people who create this site because i could get lat's of help here ! But recently met a new problem with insert and select which doesn't work for meThe query looks like this

    $sql = "Insert into image_add_car (user_id,ap_id,big,small) VALUES ('SELECT id_add_car FROM add_new_car WHERE date=NOW() ORDER BY id_add_car,date DESC LIMIT 1','2','$filename','$filename1')";mysql_query($sql);

    but insted of id from id_add_car in the field of user_id i can see just 'SELECT id_add_car FROM add_new_car WHERE date=NOW() ORDER BY id_add_car,date DESC LIMIT 1'

  6. I think i should change it

    if (($pos!==false) || ($posnum!==false)){				   $change = str_replace($numbers, "", $phrase);$changenum = str_replace($numbers, "",$phrasenum);}

    to this one

    if (($pos!==false) || ($posnum!==false)){                   $change = str_replace($numbers, "", $phrase);  $changenum = str_replace($numbers, "",$phrasenum);  Else$change = "";$changenum ="";}

  7. <?php$file=fopen("test2.txt","r");$numbers = array("RESOURCE: ","PARAMETERS:", "CPS  ","( 1)","STATE: EQ ","( 0)  STATE: NE","( 2) ","M'35611",",","M","'");//$words = array("", "", "");while (!feof($file)){$phrase = fgets($file);$phrasenum = fgets($file);$pos = strpos($phrase, "RESOURCE:");$posnum = strpos($phrasenum , "M'35611");if (($pos!==false) || ($posnum!==false)){				   $change = str_replace($numbers, "", $phrase);$changenum = str_replace($numbers, "",$phrasenum);}  Echo $change . $changenum ."<br>";}fclose($file);?>

    File look's like this (about 2000) : RESOURCE: CPS DSL 1- 8080 ( 1) STATE: DSL PARAMETERS:M'35611523535 , , M' , GGGHJ 89098 HU (1) State HJUK 18292 (this string I should escape)GGGHJ 45441 HU (1) Lertd HJUK 157346 (this string I should escape)RESOURCE: CPS DSL 1- 8081 ( 1) STATE: DSLPARAMETERS:M'35611472097 , , M' , GGGHJ 89098 HU (1) State HJUK 18292 (this string I should escape)GGGHJ 45441 HU (1) Lertd HJUK 157346 (this string I should escape)RESOURCE: CPS DSL 1- 8082 ( 1) STATE: DSLPARAMETERS:M'35611928613 , , M' , GGGHJ 89098 HU (1) State HJUK 18292 (this string I should escape)GGGHJ 45441 HU (1) Lertd HJUK 157346 (this string I should escape)RESOURCE: CPS DSL 1- 8083 ( 1) STATE: DSLPARAMETERS:M'35611928296 , , M' , Thanks a lot

  8. do you mean i should do some thing like this

    while (!feof($file)){$phrase = fgets($file);$phrasenum = fgets($file);//  $pos = (strpos($phrase, "RESOURCE:") and $posnum = strpos($phrasenum , "M'67832"));$pos = strpos($phrase, "RESOURCE:");$posnum = strpos($phrasenum , "M'67832");if (($pos!==false) || ($posnum!==false)){				  $change = str_replace($numbers, "", $phrase);$changenum = str_replace($numbers, "",$phrasenum);}  Echo $change . $changenum ."<br>"; 

  9. What are you trying to do with this: $pos = strpos($phrase, "RESOURCE:") && $posnum = strpos($phrasenum , "M'35611");
    I am trying to see if there is in the string "RESOURCE:" and "M'35611" the code should do replace ("RESOURCE: CPS" DSL 1- 8080 "( 1) STATE: DSL" and echo "DSL 1- 8080") && ("M'35611"523535 " , , M' ," and echo 523535) else it should bypass the string.
  10. I could get something like bellow which gets the date I need but there is something goes wrong it's echos the date which I am trying to exclude using if statment. Am I incorrect in building If statment

    <?php$file=fopen("test2.txt","r");$numbers = array("RESOURCE: ","PARAMETERS:", "DSL  ","( 1)","STATE: SL ","( 0)  STATE: VT","( 2) ","[color=#333333][font=Verdana, Arial, Tahoma, Calibri, Geneva, sans-serif][size=3]M'35611[/size][/font][/color]",",","K","'");//$words = array("", "", "");while (!feof($file)){$phrase = fgets($file);$phrasenum = fgets($file);  $pos = strpos($phrase, "RESOURCE:") && $posnum = strpos($phrasenum , "M'35611");if (($pos!==false) || ($posnum!==false)){				   $change = str_replace($numbers, "", $phrase);$changenum = str_replace($numbers, "",$phrasenum);}  Echo $change . $changenum ."<br>"; }fclose($file);?>

    Thanks in advance

  11. I built an array with what I need to remove and then using str_replace I remove it but I'd like to use IF statement like bellowif (!strpbrk($phrase, "RESOURCE:"));here should be something like if just the string has "RESOURCE:" or M'3561should be done str_replace and echo it.But it does't work.

    $file=fopen("test2.txt","r");$numbers = array("RESOURCE: ", "CPS ", "( 1)","STATE: EQ ", "PARAMETERS",":","M'3561",", ","K'","( 0) STATE NE ","READ REPORT","0710138"," 29 ","0029"," 03-03-19"," 1745");//$words = array("", "", "");while (!feof($file)){// $phrase = "RESOURCE: CPS DSL 1- 8080 ";$phrase = fgets($file);if (!strpbrk($phrase, "RESOURCE:"));{here should be something like if just the string has "RESOURCE:" or M'3561should be done str_replace and echo it$change = str_replace($numbers, "$words", $phrase);}Echo $change ."<br>";}echo count($phrase);fclose($file);

    Could you help me please to solve the problemThanks in advance

  12. thanks for recomended tutorialbellow I'd like to show what i needRESOURCE: CPS DSL 1- 8080 ( 1) STATE: DSL PARAMETERS:M'35611523535 , , M' ,RESOURCE: CPS DSL 1- 6478 ( 1) STATE: DSL PARAMETERS:M'33333333333 , , M' ,RESOURCE: CPS DSL 1- 8036 ( 1) STATE: DSL PARAMETERS:M'35611523400 , , M' , For me its enough to get date after CPS for example:DSL 1- 8036DSL 1- 8080DSL 1- 8036

    If you're looking for the last 7 digits of the number
    Yes ! And http://www.php.net/m...tion.substr.php exactly what i need I think i should build something like this
    <?php$filename = 'test.txt';$fp = fopen($filename, 'w'); Here I think i should create some thing like this for i= 0 to count (ammount of string) echo substr('abcdef', 1, 3);  // bcd in my  case echo substr('M'35611523400', 6, 7);  // 523400 echo to table or excel = DSL 1- 8080echo to table or excel = 523400 fclose($fp);?>

  13. I've got a file like bellow (the date might be about 5000) RESOURCE: CPS DSL 1- 8080 ( 1) STATE: DSL PARAMETERS:M'35611523535 , , M' , GGGHJ 89098 HU (1) State HJUK 18292 (this string I should escape)GGGHJ 45441 HU (1) Lertd HJUK 157346 (this string I should escape) RESOURCE: CPS DSL 1- 8080 ( 1) STATE: DSLPARAMETERS:M'35611472097 , , M' , and I should get some date from it like here: DSL -----------number1- 8080 523535 (I should get it from M'35611523535) and then echo it to table or exel file. <?php$filename = 'test.txt';$fp = fopen($filename, 'w'); Here I think i should create some thing like this for i= 0 to count (ammount of string) echo to table fclose($fp);?> Thanks in advance

  14. I appreciate for help I could get it work. The path goes to db and the I can veiw it. But also I'd like by the way thambnail the images and locate path the same way .image1 image2 image3 image4 image5 image6 image_small1 image_small2 image_small3 image_small4 image_small5 image_small6 I've got the thambnail script which I would like to implement hereCould you please help me do it

    $i	= 1;$sm = 1;$images_sm = "thumbnails_"$uploadFilename[$key];// now let's move the file to its final and allocate it with the new filenameforeach($active_keys as $key){@move_uploaded_file($_FILES[$fieldname]['tmp_name'][$key],$uploadFilename[$key])  or error('receiving directory insuffiecient permission', $uploadForm);			  $cols[] = "image" . $i++;  //<-- note that I removed the comma	  $cols_sm[] = "image_small" . $sm++;  $data[] = "'" . basename($uploadFilename[$key]) . "'";  //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  $width=100; //*** Fix Width & Heigh (Autu caculate) ***//   //$size=GetimageSize($images);   $size=GetimageSize($uploadFilename[$key]);   $height=round($width*$size[1]/$size[0]);   $images_orig = ImageCreateFromJPEG($uploadFilename[$key]);   $photoX = ImagesX($images_orig);   // Widht   $photoY = ImagesY($images_orig);   // Hight   $images_fin = ImageCreateTrueColor($width, $height);	     ImageCopyResampled($images_fin, $images_orig, 0, 0, 0, 0, $width+1, $height+1, $photoX, $photoY);   ImageJPEG($images_fin,"uploaded_files/".$images_sm);   ImageDestroy($images_orig);   ImageDestroy($images_fin);    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------   $data_sm[] = "'" . basename($uploadFilename[$key]) . "'"; }$query = 'INSERT INTO `imloop` (' . implode(', ', $cols) . ' , ' . implode(', ', $cols_sm) . ')										   VALUES (' . implode(', ', $data) . ' ,  ' . implode(', ', $data_sm) . ')';

  15. I have tested it and it locate image (to db) as I needed but the problem is now shown bellow :

    $i	= 1;$cols = array();$data = array();// now let's move the file to its final and allocate it with the new filenameforeach($active_keys as $key){@move_uploaded_file($_FILES[$fieldname]['tmp_name'][$key], $uploadFilename[$key])  or error('receiving directory insuffiecient permission', $uploadForm);			  $cols[] = "image" . $i++;		$data[] = basename($uploadFilename[$key]);}  $cols =  array_map ('mysql_real_escape_string', $cols);$data=  array_map ('mysql_real_escape_string', $data);  $query = 'INSERT INTO `imloop` (' . implode(', ', $cols) . ') VALUES ("' . implode('", "', $data) . '")';   mysql_query($query) or exit($query . '<br />' . mysql_error());

    INSERT INTO `imloop` (`id`, `image1`, `image2`, `image3`, `image4`, `image5`, `image6`) VALUES(1, '1352903903-1.jpg', 1352903903, 1352903903, 1352903903, 1352903903, 1352903903);


    INSERT INTO `imloop` (`id`, `image1`, `image2`, `image3`, `image4`, `image5`, `image6`) VALUES(1, '1352903903-1.jpg', 1352903903, 1352903903, 1352903903, 1352903903, 1352903903),				 // here I tried to upload 6 different images(2, '1352904073-6.jpg', 1352904073, 0, 0, 0, 0),																					   // here I tried to upload 2 different images(3, '1352904279-1.jpg', 1352904279, 1352904279, 0, 0, 0),																  // here I tried to upload 3 different images(4, '1352904587-1.jpg', 1352904587, 1352904587, 0, 0, 0);

    why it locate just first image I am putting in and repeat it to the `image2`, `image3`, `image4`, `image5`, `image6` .and doesn't show others I am adding.

  16. foreach($active_keys as $key){@move_uploaded_file($_FILES[$fieldname]['tmp_name'][$key], $uploadFilename[$key])  or error('receiving directory insuffiecient permission', $uploadForm); $query_part_1 .= " image" . $i++ . ",";$query_part_2 .= " '" . $uploadFilename[$key]. "',";   }   $cols[] = $query_part_1;$data[] = $query_part_2;  $cols =  array_map ('mysql_real_escape_string', $cols);$data=  array_map ('mysql_real_escape_string', $data);$query = 'INSERT INTO `imloop` (' . implode(',', $cols) . ') VALUES ("' .  implode('","', $data) . '")';mysql_query($query) or exit($query . '<br />' . mysql_error());   mysql_close($connection);

    I've puted out a part of code and could get some result

    INSERT INTO `imloop` ( image, image1, image2, image3, image4, image5,) VALUES (" \'Z:/home/multiple/www/uploaded_files/1352319971-1.jpg\', \'Z:/home/multiple/www/uploaded_files/1352319971-2.jpg\', \'Z:/home/multiple/www/uploaded_files/1352319971-3.jpg\', \'Z:/home/multiple/www/uploaded_files/1352319971-5.jpg\', \'Z:/home/multiple/www/uploaded_files/1352319971-6.jpg\', \'Z:/home/multiple/www/uploaded_files/1352319971-5.jpg\',")You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ') VALUES (" \'Z:/home/multiple/www/uploaded_files/1352319971-1.jpg\', \'Z:/home/' at line 1

    I think i should find a way to escape comma (image5,) and also VALUES (" \' Could you help me solve it please

  17. Given your code, one would assume that you're trying to add data to a table with unlimited fields. How many fields does the table have? image1, image2 ... imageN?
    I am planing to have about 10 (imag1,image2,image3,image4,image5,imag6........image10)
  18. I have chaned the code like bellow but it gives me an error

    foreach($active_keys as $key){@move_uploaded_file($_FILES[$fieldname]['tmp_name'][$key], $uploadFilename[$key])  or error('receiving directory insuffiecient permission', $uploadForm);							$cols[] = $query_part_1; $data[] = $query_part_2;   $query_part_1 .= " image" . $i++ . ",";$query_part_2 .= " '" . $uploadFilename[$key]. "',";   	 $cols =  array_map ('mysql_real_escape_string', $cols); $data=  array_map ('mysql_real_escape_string', $data);   $query = 'INSERT INTO `imloop` (' . implode(',', $cols) . ') VALUES ("' .  implode('","', $cols) . '")';    }  mysql_query($query) or exit($query . '<br />' . mysql_error());   mysql_close($connection);

    INSERT INTO `imloop` (, image,, image, image1,, image, image1, image2,, image, image1, image2, image3,, image, image1, image2, image3, image4,) VALUES (""," image,"," image, image1,"," image, image1, image2,"," image, image1, image2, image3,"," image, image1, image2, image3, image4,")You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ' image,, image, image1,, image, image1, image2,, image, image1, image2, image3,,' at line 1

  19. foreach($active_keys as $key){@move_uploaded_file($_FILES[$fieldname]['tmp_name'][$key], $uploadFilename[$key])  or error('receiving directory insuffiecient permission', $uploadForm);   $query_part_1 = '';$query_part_2 = '';$i = 1;    // add the comma AFTER you write the key/values to the strings$query_part_1 .= " image" . $i++ . ",";$query_part_2 .= " '" . $uploadFilename[$key]. "',";     }  

    I have taken out this part of script but that doesn't give any result ! In this case it just put one path.

    $query_part_1 = preg_replace("/,$/","",$query_part_1); // remove the comma at the end of the string$query_part_2 = preg_replace("/,$/","",$query_part_2);$query = "INSERT INTO `imloop` (" .$query_part_1. ") VALUES (" .$query_part_2. ")";  mysql_query($query) or exit($query . '<br />' . mysql_error());mysql_close($connection);

  20. foreach($active_keys as $key){@move_uploaded_file($_FILES[$fieldname]['tmp_name'][$key], $uploadFilename[$key])  or error('receiving directory insuffiecient permission', $uploadForm);    $query_part_1 = '';$query_part_2 = '';$i = 1;       // add the comma AFTER you write the key/values to the strings$query_part_1 .= " image" . $i++ . ",";$query_part_2 .= " '" . $uploadFilename[$key]. "',";     $query_part_1 = preg_replace("/,$/","",$query_part_1); // remove the comma at the end of the string$query_part_2 = preg_replace("/,$/","",$query_part_2);$query = "INSERT INTO `imloop` (" .$query_part_1. ") VALUES (" .$query_part_2. ")";   mysql_query($query) or exit($query . '<br />' . mysql_error());    } mysql_close($connection);

    The code above gives something like below id image1 image2 image3 image4 image5 image6 1 pic12 pic23 pic2 Something like this but I need to get something like this id image1 image2 image3 image4 image5 image6 1 pic1 pic2 pic3 pic4 pic5 pic62 Could you help me please create something like this.

  21. At last could find what i looked for !

    <?php# Assuming image1, etc accept null values you could try something like this... Not tested#set some variables$query_part_1 = '';$query_part_2 = '';$i = 1;foreach($active_keys as $key){    $query_part_1 .= ",'image" . $i++ . "'";    $query_part_2 .= ",'" . $_FILES[$fieldname]['name'][$key] . "'";}$query = "INSERT INTO properties ('location','description'" . $query_part_1 . ") VALUES ('" . $location . "','" . $description . "'" . $query_part_2 . ")";?>

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