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Posts posted by ste

  1. no need to put the link styles in the body selector. instead try:

    body {background-image:url('black'); background-attachment: fixed;}a:link {color: #FF0000}a:visited {color: #00FF00}a:hover {color: #FF00FF}a:active {color: #0000FF}

  2. well i wouldnt do it with tables but if thats what you want you could nest another table in there that wont stretch & that could be for 1 and 2try:

    <table border=1 width="500px;"><tr><td>		<table border=1 width="100%;">	<tr>	<td>1</td>	</tr>	<tr>	<td>2</td>	</tr>	</table>		3	</td>  <td>4</td></tr></table>

  3. I think you should change the text styles a bit. for example the line "Posted on 3/6/2007, by Reportingsjr" should not have the same style as the post underneath. I would probably go for a smaller text sizes all round. For the main text something like:p {margin: 8px 0; font-size: 0.65em; line-height: 14px; font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;}are you going to let users post comments after each article? I think that would be coolalso you need to change "POST" to "post" and ad a few "/>" to the contact page

  4. your coding is a very confusing mix of div & css and tables & depreciated attributes. It would be better to go with either nested tables or divs/css for layoutthat said, i think this should solve your problem:

    find in your code:div id="submenu" style="width: 421px; height: 17px;"replace with:div id="submenu" style="width: 421px; height: 17px;  float: right;"then find:table id="Table_01" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="900"replace with:table id="Table_01" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="900" style="clear: both;"

  5. Ste: No thanks, I dont have photoshop. I have fireworks... But if you would edit it so the background was just black instead of a gradient it would be wonderful! (you will probably see the issue if you look at the site right now). Thanks for the header anyways!
    here you go, on black bg:post-9581-1173354307_thumb.png
  6. If I spend at least 8 hours per day doing nothing but study
    in my opinion you should read through the tuorials on this site & then just start working on different projects. wheter they are comercial or just for your portfolio, using the w3schools tutorials as a reference point. This experience is better than study. The best way to learn any language is to speak it. also if you want to learn this stuff i suggest you ditch dreamweaver. most people eventually reach a point were they prefer to write their own code.
  7. <html><head><script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">function showpage() {document.getElementById('loader').style.display = "none";document.getElementById('main').style.display = "block";}</script></head><body onload="showpage();"><div style="height:100%; width:100%; display:block;" id="loader">Some preloading content here</div><div style="height:100%; width:100%; display:none;" id="main">Main Content Here</div></body></html>

  8. cool i can send you the photoshop file, if you want it pm me any luck fixing that float yet? after looking at the the site in IE it looks like the navigation headings might be extending the width of the navigation container. you could try putting {overflow: hidden;} on the div "vertinav"

  9. Hmm, banner it is then! I will work on one when I get home from school but I will tell you now that as of now I am horrible with graphics. Getting a bit better though!
    If your not that good with graphics just follow a tutorial. there are loads of photoshop tuts out there, look for any of the web2.0 logo tutorialsEDIT:i was bored so i threw this together (use it if you like)excibiuspg0.gif
  10. it can take a while to get listed a dmoz. but that really helps. there are a couple more internet directorys altough i dont know how much google likes them. you can post a link back to your site in plenty of relevant blogs and forums like this one (just make sure the topic of the site is relevant to coding/design otherwise it could be considered spamming) one thing you could do is introduce tutorials or articles on your site a lot of people put these on portfolio sites these days as they help with people linking to you and general bring some more exposure to your site

  11. this site posted for the third time now!most messy code i have ever seenfails html validation with 180 errors slow loadingyou still have <!-- saved from url=(0026)http://www.playgames2.com/ --> in your html (a website you admited in a previous topic that you don't own!!)so basically this is a bad site rip. what do you expect us to say? im a web designer myself and im not crazy about people who go round stealing designs.

  12. Hi reportingsjr,Firstly I dont think its too dark. I think you should ad a logo and some backgrounds on a couple of the divs. just some simple gradients or whatever

    For some reason now the navigation is being a pain in the butt! In IE 7 the content is now below the navigation
    Could be a few things. the div "content" is being pushed down because there isnt enough space for it to float. The navigation is a ul right? different browsers have different default margins for these. check the widths and margins for the ul and the divs "content" and "vertinav." it may just be a case of adding a few {margin: 0; padding: 0}
    the navigation headers are indented about 20 pixels. I cant solve these right now because I need to go, but anyone have a solution for those?
    Again check padding and margins.
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