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Posts posted by PC013

  1. If I could I just say something...I don't think that you're helping eduardlid in your answers. I mean, you guys truly seem awesome people who obviously know your way around programming. You're always ready to help and that is very gentle... honestly.But he won't actually learn anything from these questions/answers. Because minor questions like the ones you (eduardolid) have made, will always occur. I'm nobody to tell you what to do, but I strongly feel that you should struggle with your work. You are not learning. You can't think on your own.Just take a moment to reflect about it, is my piece of advice.

  2. Greetings.I'm Pedro, 20 years of age. I'm an university student (Electrical and Computer Engineering) at the University of Coimbra, Portugal. From there I haven't learned that much about programming. Had 2 nice subjects of C++ and 1 quick look at Assembly on another.Loving programming as I do, I came to learn and practise. I already had a thorough look at HTML and I'm starting at CSS as for now.After that I plan to go through javascript and then I need to take a pause and think of what do do. Considering PHP, mySQL,JQuery, and a couple of others. Quite not sure yet of what I should learn at that moment. I've researched over the web and also in this forum and there seems to be a discrepancy of opinions. I guess the learning process depends on our strengths and prefferences. I feel that W3schools have taught me well (X)HTML (altough the best way to perfect is practise endlessly) and I feel it will do the job for CSS as well.I'm not quite sure about that when it comes to less primitive languages, like PHP or javascript. But time will tell. Hope to learn a lot and, at a later stage, be able to help others.

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