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Everything posted by lessismore

  1. Yes, it was only part of the code... I realized it wouldn't work in that section of the code, since I tried everything I knew. I was able to locate the PHP code, which was NOT easy. Then changed the width of the box from 17 to 13px. Jeesh. Way beyond my skill level. But it worked. $bString = ""; $b = $this->getBeds(array("byRef" => true)); foreach($b as $bed){ $bString .= " <div style=\"float:left;\"> <div style=\"float:left; width:35px;\"> <input type=\"text\" style=\"width:13px;\" name=\"bed-".$bed['id']."\" id=\"bed-".$bed['id']."\" value=\"".intval(@$beds[$bed['id']])."\" /> </div> <div style=\"float:left; width:175px; padding-top:10px;\"> ".urldecode($bed['bed_name'])." </div> </div>"; } Thanks for trying to help. Hope your dog gets better soon!
  2. I've emptied it several times... Maybe this will help...Here's what it looks like. I want more space between input field and the different beds.
  3. Yeah... I do use padding and margins all the time. And know how they work. But for some reason, it is not "seeing" it. I'm thinking it has something to do with {beds} being a PHP result, not just normal text. Maybe someone well-versed in PHP will chime in...
  4. Thanks for trying but, nope. Think it has something to do with the PHP, which I'm really not well versed with...
  5. Good thought, but I'm a graphic designer, so 3 px is a very noticeable space for me. ;-)BUT I did try it with 50 px, and it didn't budge...
  6. :-( Sigh. That didn't do it either... <div class="field" style="width:435px; text-indent:3px; margin-top:-3px;">{beds}</div>
  7. Sorry. Forgot to mention, I tried that too. <div class="field" style="width:435px; margin-left:3px; margin-top:-3px;">{beds}</div> Maybe I wrote the code wrong?
  8. Hi:I'm just trying to add a space but the things I tried didn't work...I tried typing a space and tried adding before {beds}. I'm sure this is simple... Thanks in advance! Jami <div class="group"> <div class="label"><label>Beds:</label></div> <div class="field" style="width:435px; margin-top:-3px;">{beds}</div> </div>
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