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Everything posted by ashleypower

  1. Sorry for putting it in the wrong place! Awesome, thanks for the feedback! Yeah, it's in the very early stages...there's still a lot of stylistic changes to be made, but I was more concerned about the CSS. You say make the logo an image element. I was just wondering about how to position it properly? Could I use the existing CSS there if I were to do that?
  2. Hey. I learned HTML and CSS about...14 years ago. I know HTML pretty well, and basically used CSS to style text. When I learned, table layouts were where it was at. I've recently decided to upgrade and try these CSS layouts. To say I'm having difficulty is an understatement. I've basically just browsed around, looking at sources and examples and tried it out for myself. Here's a link to something I've been working on. I would like some positive feedback or suggestions! Thanks! Site: http://apower.atwebpages.com/gb2/ CSS: http://apower.atwebpages.com/gb2/style.css
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