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  1. Mazar

    Contained HTML

    Ooo, didn't think of an iframe... I will have to try that later, 'tis a good idea. Til then, eggspurts feel free
  2. Mazar

    Contained HTML

    Thanks, but I think you misinterpreted what I meant lol I want the html entities to work, but only within, say, a specified div. That is to say, if this were the code:<div class="user_input_sample"> <!-- user input start here --></div> this would mess with the outter html<b> ohai </b> <!-- this line should work (i.e. make it bold) --><!-- user input end here --> </div> So, what I want is so that it would allow users to use html to format their text (not ubbc), but a way to prevent it from affecting the html outside that specified div. The links you provided seemed to be more of a replace special chars thing.
  3. Quick question, If I were to allow users to post content that could include html, and stored that data in a MySql database, then I would print it on the page eventually, is there a way I can contain their html inside a div so that it cannot affect any code outside of that div? Thanks,Andrew
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