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Posts posted by isee

  1. @dsonesuk  Thank you for that i have already implemented that but for some reason when i try to login it doesn't login but display this error


            $error = $_GET["error"];
            if ($error == "wrong") {	echo "Wrong Username and Password entered. Please try again!"; } 
            else if ($error == "nouser") {	echo "You are trying to access a secured page. Please provide your Username and Password to continue."; } 
            else {	echo "Please login to proceed."; }

    The above php code is in the login page.

  2. PHP Fatal error:  Call to undefined function session_register() - From error log this is for a login page.

    $mode = $_GET['mode'];
    $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM user WHERE username='" . $myusername . "' and password='" . $encrypted_mypassword . "'",$db);
    if(!$result) { echo mysql_error(); }
    else {
    	$count=mysql_num_rows($result);				// If result matched $myusername and $mypassword, table row must be 1 row
    	if($count == 1) {
    		$row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);		// Register $myusername, $mypassword
    		$_SESSION['user_id'] = $row['username'];
    		$_SESSION['user_type'] = $row['usertype'];
    		$_SESSION['logged_in'] = TRUE;
    	} else {
    		if($mode == "new") {
    		} else {

    I believe this is because of php version any advise on changing the code to work with newer versions ?

  3. Im trying to create a form with JS/html . Please look at image as an example of the mechanism .image.jpgSo far i got this and all it does is add up stuff..<html><head><script language="javascript">function AddInputs(){var total = 0;var coll = document.getElementsByTagName("input")for ( var i = 0; i<coll.length; i++){var ele = coll;total += parseInt(ele.value);}var Display = document.getElementById("Display");Display.innerHTML = total;}</script></head><body><input onkeyup="AddInputs()" /><input onkeyup="AddInputs()" /><input onkeyup="AddInputs()" /><span id="Display" style="float:right;background:red;"></span></body></html>So i need help if someone knows how to allow quantity multiplication :S and even with adding this is basically like a form that allows people to just input some numbers and quantity to see a subtotal NO this is not for ecommerce .

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