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Posts posted by real_illusions

  1. there was some posts in the php section about webhosts.but they've disappeared, ran off, been abducted, got new lives, morphed into something and flew away..or something.i need to find a free webhosting place thingy that supports php and mp3's and/or zip files.:)

  2. <head><style>span.colour{color:#0000FF;}</style></head><body><p>some text<span class="colour">there</span> some more text <span class="colour">their</span> some more meaningless text <span class="colour">they're</span> blah blah blah <span class="colour">there</span></p></body>is that what you mean?

  3. the use of width and height attributes in images and any other width/height based cntent helps. the browser will read the height and width before it downloads the image, so it'll create the space where the image is supposed to be, leaving the text intact and in the right place as soon as it loads.

  4. well..since pretty much most of the web is made up of everyone else's ideas although maybe changed a bit to suit your own site..i think it would be safe to say that its ok to copy/paste away :)no-one really owns the copyright to html, its open source and free to use for everyone.scripts made in javascript, php etc.. maybe subject to copyright..but you shouldn't worry about that if you're new to html:)

  5. instead of :
    <input type=radio name="r" onclick="disable®">

    The problem is that your previous method of enabling the submit button was only working in FF? Or is it that the form wouldn't submit?

    the original problem was that it only worked in firefox. in explorer, the button enbale/disable thing worked, but when you pressed submit, it just disabled and nothing was sent.i need the submit button disabled, untill the user checks a box or radio button. then when they do, they can submit the form.:)
  6. i think you mean the drop down list next to the url is the history. to get rid of it, just erase your history.and that url there is an ip address.all urls have an ip address of where they are hosted, except its alot easier to use words instead of numbers for remembering what site you want to go to and where you went.that particular url redirects you to the main index page.

  7. i'll presume your using windows xpstart - control panel - switch to classic view if your not already on it (basically a list of the options like in normal folders) - add or remove progamsits that simple.if your using any other os then i have no idea:)

  8. no-one will contact you by email. this forum is for everyone to learn from everyone.the purpose of this site is to learn about html and this forum is here is to discuss them tutorials and help each other when we get stuck and/or confused.read the through the tutorials about html here - http://www.w3schools.com/html/default.aspif you cant understand something, then ask us and we'll point you the way forward.:)

  9. have you got a file called "ccon.html" ?? although if you haven't, it usually says it cant find that file.and do you mean "click here for more colour contacts" rather than "click here for more details" ?? :)

  10. why would you want to disable it?in what circumstances do you want it disabled?the only way i can think of is with something i tried. an ajax script. basically, it loaded files into another part of the page. quickens page loading times, keeps the same url so of course no going forwards or backwards, but that caused problems with my email forms so i abandoned the idea.

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