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JS equivalent for my flash image gallery


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Hello Everybody,I'm new to Javascript, really new, and pretty much baffled by most things.I have an effect on my website www.blackeye-design.com which I created in Flash. I'm looking to duplicate the portfolio image viewer in Javascript or AJAX or whatever.The flash version is a basic Actionscript/XML gallery affair which reads and displays the images straight from a folder on the server. I'm in the process of creating an HTML equivalent to the Flash site for accessibility reasons and I can't seem to duplicate the effect without multiple HTML pages and iFrames.If anyone could point me towards a good tutorial for creating this effect, it would be much appreciated as it's a useful skill to have for future developments.Cheers Folks.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Hey, this is great code! I have a similar problem, tho.I'm trying to do a slideshow in lieu of flash (I really really don't want to use flash), but I need fading transitions. I've looked all over, but I can only find code that will fade in IE--anyone know where I can find code that works for FF and Opera?

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