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Dictionary script

The Praetorian

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I'm using the script someone gave me for a dictionary/encyclopedia of sorts. One page has a list of all the links matching that letter while the other page is where it goes to show the entry for the link they click. What I can't figure out is how to make the page that I point those links at work properly. At the moment all it does is spit out all the entries in the database. Here's the script for that page.

<?php						ob_start(); $dbh=mysql_connect ("localhost", "author_author", "****") or die ('I cannot connect to the database because: ' . mysql_error());mysql_select_db ("author_localhost");  $result = mysql_query ("SELECT * FROM dictionary WHERE word LIKE '$_GET[word]%'") or die(mysql_error());  $r = mysql_fetch_array($result);  while($r = mysql_fetch_array($result))  {	echo '<h2>'.$r['word'].'</h2>';	if ($r['category'] != "")	  echo '<span class="blue">Category</span> <b>:</b> '.$r['category'].'<br />';	if ($r['pronounce'] != "")	  echo '<span class="blue">Pronunciation</span> <b>:</b> '.$r['pronounce'].'<br />';	if ($r['definition'] != "")	  echo ''.$r['definition'].'<br />';	if ($r['definitiontwo'] != "")	  echo ''.$r['definitiontwo'].'<br />';	if ($r['related'] != "")	  echo '<span class="blue">Related Entries</span> <b>:</b> '.$r['related'].'<br />';	  echo "<br />";	  echo "<title>The Shattered Realms ~ Search: $r[word]</title>";  }?>

The problem I'm having with the other script is that, although the links all come out fine, when I click one and it switches pages, the php?s= part doesn't show the whole entry for multiple word entries. Instead of doing the+something it only shows "the" in the link. Here's the code for that one.

<?php$dbh=mysql_connect ("localhost", "author_author", "*****") or die ('I cannot connect to the database because: ' . mysql_error());mysql_select_db ("author_localhost");$letter = $_GET["letter"];$q = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM dictionary WHERE word LIKE '$_GET[letter]%'");while($row = mysql_fetch_array($q)) {	 echo "<a href=dictionary.php?s=$row[word]>$row[word]</a> <br /> ";}?>

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Your PHP to generate the links is:

echo "<a href=dictionary.php?s=$row[word]>$row[word]</a> <br /> ";

This will render HTML that looks like this:

<a href=dictionary.php?s=the something>the something</a> <br />

Where it'd need to be more like this:

<a href="dictionary.php?s=the something">the something</a> <br />

So try adding quotes around the href parameter in the PHP like so:

echo "<a href=\"dictionary.php?s=$row[word]\">$row[word]</a> <br /> ";

You may also look into URL encoding the "$row[word]" so that the spaces are converted to plusses in case the browsers don't do that automatically.I hope this helps!

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Hmm, if you are passing the query to that page using an "s" parameter, then wouldn't you need to change:

SELECT * FROM dictionary WHERE word LIKE '$_GET[word]%'


SELECT * FROM dictionary WHERE word LIKE '$_GET[s]%'

I think it was returning all results because $_GET[word] was empty and the query looked like this:

SELECT * FROM dictionary WHERE word LIKE '%'

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Hmm, if you are passing the query to that page using an "s" parameter, then wouldn't you need to change:
SELECT * FROM dictionary WHERE word LIKE '$_GET[word]%'


SELECT * FROM dictionary WHERE word LIKE '$_GET[s]%'

I think it was returning all results because $_GET[word] was empty and the query looked like this:

SELECT * FROM dictionary WHERE word LIKE '%'

It's more like
query = "SELECT * FROM dictionary WHERE word LIKE '" . $_GET['s']% . "'"

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