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Creatinh a links page


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umm...quite simple really.<ul><li><a href="">some link</a></li><li><a href="">some link</a></li><li><a href="">some link</a></li><li><a href="">some link</a></li><li><a href="">some link</a></li><li><a href="">some link</a></li><li><a href="">some link</a></li><li><a href="">some link</a></li></uletc etcor just<a href="">some link</a><br /><a href="">some link</a><br /><a href="">some link</a><br /><a href="">some link</a><br /><a href="">some link</a><br />etc etctheres a number of ways to style it, but thats the basic 2 ways of making a list of links.

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thats entirely upto you and what you want the page to be about.in general, if its a bunch of links going to your own site, its called a site map. If its a bunch of links going to different website, its a link page.

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Typically the point of having a links page is:1. When you exchange links to and from other sites, especially ones related to your site, those links have the potential to increase traffic to your site. (ie. if your site is about astronomy, any site that has a link to you from Star Trek fan sites to other astronomy or science fiction sites might have some surfers who will be interested in your site, and thus likely to click on your link from those sites you exchanged links with)2. Sometimes people use their links page to simply list other sites they like, be they related to the site they are linked from, or what have you (i.e. You have a home page. Your interests vary, but include things like sports, physics, web dev, and dogs. Therefore you might list sites that cover any of those interest areas.)3. Your link page may generate money (PPC: Pay Per Click). These days, it's not so common for one to make money on links on a links page, usually you have rotating banners, paid banner/ad placement, or something text based like AdSense posted on at least your main page/blog, if not all pages on your site.It used to be, before the proliferation of search engines and search sites like Google, that getting linked via link exchanges was a must-have in order to increase your chances of other people finding you, especially because link exchanges were typically free--so it was time spent only advertising. Otherwise, you were gaining surfers from paying for ads, word of mouth, or via typical advertising methods. Nowadays, that's not as much of an issue, but, in my opinion, it's still helpful to exchange links depending on what you want for your site.

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apperently google pretty much ignores link pages nowadays. If you want good rankings good unique content that other sites especially blogs will link to is what you need

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