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removing part of the array


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hey all!i've been on with this for past half hour, and im a bit frustrated now!i have a variable which contains an id. In some cases the id may be repeated (multiple times), and a comma inbetween the id's. for example: "33" OR "33,33" OR "33,33,33" etc.im trying to create a simple function to remove just one of the id's: so, "33,33" becomes "33".my question is; how do I do it ?! :) -Thanks!

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Explode the variable into an array and then use the array_unique () to reduce it down to a single occurence.An alternate would be to explode the variable into an array and use the array(0) element.

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i managed to sort it:

$id = "72"; // usually i would have run some statements to be left with the array[x] matching my id$test = Array();$test[0] = "72,72,72";$len = strlen($id) + 1; // length of ID plus 1 more for the comma$rem = strlen($test[0]) - $len; // the remainder from length of the array[x] minus $len$test[0] = substr($test[0],$len,$rem); // use substr() to only select after the first id, effectivelly, only removing one of the IDs

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