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Guest myhavs

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Good day folks if this is trivial, please excuse me. I have been asked to keep our local dog club website up today, it is very basic. The club has now decided they would like a seperate member area. :) Can someone please lead me in the correct location to learn how to do this? :) I can maintain a basic site, but would like to improve the site.Any help would be greatly appreciated.Or point me to the correct topic area to start looking. Our site has been developed in Arachnophillia.Respectfully, Michele

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To have a seperate members pages, you'll need a login / User validation. So to start off you'll need to know some server side scripting, as mentioned by mradam, there are many choices, PHP, ASP.NET, ASP. Second would be to store some info related to user login or individual user info like user profile, so you'll need a database, MySql, MS Access.....

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