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Some installation help please.

Guest Mikep7297

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Guest Mikep7297

Hi Everyone,Im sorry if this is a stupid question to which the answer is quite simple but Im being driven round the bend.I have recently decided to start php/mySQL and purchased a book called "SAMS Teach yourself PHP,MySQL & Apache"Things were going swimmingly until it was time to install php5. I have followed the installation instructions to the letter so far which are:Unzip the archive on the CD to C:\phpopen C:\Program Files\ Apache Group\ Apache2\conf and edit the httpd.confadd: LoadModule php5_module c:/php/php5apache2.dll to the LoadModule sectionadd: AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .html to the AddType section.My problems start here.It says "Additionally, add the following line to ensure that Apache knows where php.ini resides:PHPIniDir "C:/php/"This is fairly straight forward but it doesnt say exactly where it should be added as the others do.Do I input it after the AddType addition? or does it go elsewhere in the file?The real crux for me this this next section which again Im sure is very straight forward...The book says:" We also need to make a version of php.ini available. To do this, first add your php directory to your windows PATH."Is this as easy as just dragging the php directory from the windows explorer and dropping it in the windows directory?" Next, in the PHP installation directory, copy the "php.ini-recommended" file to php.ini."I have looked in the php directory and I have 2 files named php.ini. One is called php.ini-dist (or something to that effect) and the other is the php.ini-recommended file.Do I just copy and paste the recommended file into the dist file?One more thing......sorry, nearly done..It says to create a doc called phpinfo.php in the htdocs directory of the Apache installation which, when launched in the browser will give you the info on the php and apache set up.The details on my browser are identical except for the "Configuration file (php.ini) Path". It should read C:/php/php.ini. Instead, it reads C:/WINDOWS. I know that this is because I have not set the Path up but I am not sure how to as mentioned above.Im running: Windows XP Pro and using MySql, Apache 2 and php5 as provided on the CD.Sorry again for the longwinded post but Im desperate to sort this. I only have internet access at work at the mo so cant really sort things out straight away.Thanks a million in advance

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