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Ideas on how to set up fantasy NASCAR on website


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Hello all....I am back again. Since there seems to be a lot of knowledgeable people in this forum, I thought I would throw this problem/challenge out there and see what sticks. Since my store is a NASCAR store Nothin' But NASCAR, I would like to add fantasy NASCAR on there to draw customers to my site. For those that don't know, players would pick a driver or drivers, and get points based on their overall finish, laps led, etc. It seems like there would be an easy way to have the player enter their picks into a form and somehow send them to an excel spreadsheet, where it would then figure out their scores, and then have the scores sent to a designated page on the site. Anybody have any clue how to go about doing this, or where I can find info on how to do it? The are fantasy NASCAR affiliate programs out there, but I would rather keep it on my site and have it be MY league. Any help would be GREATLY appreciated!

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a mysql database will probably be best.member signs up...picks their drivers etc..and its stored in the database..and it keep tracks of the points scored..based on the real event..not sure HOW it'll work as i dont know how to write mysql..but thats the theory behind it.:)ps - nothing personal, but nascar is boring and i'd pick a better motorsport :)

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stymie: http://www.sitepoint.com/article/build-a-phpbb-forumhope it's usefull.real_illusions: like 24 lemans cause after 3/4 ofa centur...
After reading the previous two posts and acknowledging my lack of experience and know-how in this area, I now am thinking this way: Does anybody have any suggestions on a good place to go where someone could write code that would do what I need it to do at a reasonable (low) price? Your advice is greatly appreciated...P.S.- I chose doing a NASCAR store due to the popularity (fastest rising sport in the nation last 3 years). I personally am more of a football fan :)
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