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Title is causing problems with hover


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I have a menu which hovers (2 or 3 levels out) using CSS only. When the title attribute is added to the tags, obviously, that title is displayed when hovering over the link. When you move around the menu, it is sometimes lost (ie disappears as if you have moved off it). I have found that it is when the mouse moves over the title. It seems FF and Opera makes this little box 'outside' my menu - when you hover on it, the menu dies.Does anyone have a solution apart from no titles?Thanks in advance!!Henry

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Does anyone have a solution apart from no titles?
It seems that this is a no...There doesn't seem to be an easy fix for this problem.The best thing seems to try to do it with javascript or remove titles from links (preventing the problem in FF but not opera). I have just found that you can control the tooltips in opera http://www.opera.com/support/search/supsearch.dml?index=714 but you have to go into the ini files...not sure if javascript can do that? or if I'd want to do that...Ciao
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