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How do I determine whether a folder had write Permission?


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-------------------------------------------------------------------------------I would like to determine whether or not a given folder in my server has write permission or not. I used fso object option and used Attributes object bur always I get number 16, regardless if it has write permission, read permission or nothing at all. What is the correct object that gives me that information. Currently, I have the following code to display information on the folder:Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set a = fso.GetFolder(Server.MapPath("\") & folder_directory)Response.Write ("Attributes: " & a.Attributes & "<BR>")

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The attribute value of 16 indicates that the object is a folder. This is the list of attribute values:

0 = Normal file1 = Read-only file2 = Hidden file4 = System file16 = Folder or directory32 = File has changed since last backup1024 = Link or shortcut2048 = Compressed file

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How do capture error related to write permission?I try to delete a folder that does not have write permission, theregfore I get error and error messages. I would like to avoid receiving error message on screen and continue deleting other folders. I have been told I need to capture the error and do some checking there. How do capture error related to write permission?

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How do capture error related to write permission?I try to delete a folder that does not have write permission, theregfore I get error and error messages. I would like to avoid receiving error message on screen and continue deleting other folders. I have been told I need to capture the error and do some checking there. How do capture error related to write permission?
In javascript, java, and C#, you'd use a try/catch(/finally) block. It'd look something like this:
try{	// do some code here that may cause an error}catch(Exception e){	// handle the exception (error) here.}

Perhaps there's something like that in VB as well.EDIT: Found this link: http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/f...6tz(VS.80).aspx

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or in classic asp vb script:

on error resume next		 	'some code 	if err.number <> 0 then		'handle error 	end if on error goto 0

error handling is pretty ugly in vb6 / vbscript

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