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Problem with List


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Hi, I wrote this code:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict //EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"><html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="pl" lang="pl"><head>   <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />   <title>XHTML</title>   <style type="text/css">	  body {behavior: url(csshover.htc);}	  img {border:0px;}	  	  ul, li {		 margin: 0;		 padding: 0;	  }	  #nav ul {		 background: #ffc;		 display: none;	  }	  #nav li:hover ul {		 display: block;	  }	  #tabela, #tabela li {margin:0;padding:0;}	  #tabela a, #tabela img {	   display: inline;	  }	#tabela {width:150px;}   </style></head><body><ul id="nav">   <li><span>Sekcja</span>	  <ul id="tabela">		 <li><a href="1"><img src="sklad2_17.jpg" height="13" /></a></li>		 <li><a href="2"><img src="sklad2_18.jpg" height="16"/></a></li>		 <li><a href="3"><img src="sklad2_19.jpg" height="15" /></a></li>		 <li><a href="4"><img src="sklad2_20.jpg" height="17" /></a></li>	  </ul>   </li></ul></body></html>

I made here a menu based on List - everything is okey it works fine but I have one big problem - I have free spaces between IMG's (between LI) - and I don't know how to delete them. I have tried to use display:inline but It didn't work. Please help me - what I'm doing wrong?:|

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i don't know if you have spaces up and down, or left and right, but try this anyway:first try adding to your CSS

#tabela img{display:block;}

if that doesn't work, then try

#tabela li {display:block;}

, if that doesn't work, then you will have to delete all spaces in your html code between UL and /UL, making

<ul id="nav"><li><span>Sekcja</span><ul id="tabela"> <li><a href="1"><img src="sklad2_17.jpg" height="13" /></a></li><li><a href="2"><img src="sklad2_18.jpg" height="16"/></a></li><li><a href="3"><img src="sklad2_19.jpg" height="15" /></a></li><li><a href="4"><img src="sklad2_20.jpg" height="17" /></a></li></ul></li></ul>

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thx:) it works now - I have one more question - why is that when I'm using padding-top or margin-top some lenght in IE is other than in Firefox? I am asking because This menu works that when somebody will roll over the UL area background will change to other picture, and the List will be displayed - As you see there are some IMG links - and I want to make sure that this img's are in properly place - because i want to fit it with background - so why when for exaplme using padding-top 52 and it works great in IE, in FF isn't good - and I need to give more px to the padding to fit it in FF. grr;/

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it might be because one of them gives LIs padding, the other gives them margin (not sure which gives which). Here's a tip for you that will make CSS so much easier in the future: when you just start making your CSS, the first line you shouuld put in is


That gets rid of any browser-default paddings and margins, and if you give an element padding-top:5px;, it will have 5 px of padding in every browser.

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