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Censured text


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Here a little something I came up with to censured some text... it doesn't seem to be Valid but... :)

<style type="text/css">censure {	background-color: #000000;	color:#000000;}censure:hover {	background-color: #ff00ff;	color:#ffffff;}</style><censure>Some text to not show to public</censure>

Thanks a lot to a bunch who share their knowledge here; I've learn quite a bit recently searching the forum for specific answers.Keep up the good work to all! :)

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Excellent that you are learning some html and css. That is known as a "spoiler" tag because you make the information available to people, but if they don't want to "spoil", say, the ending of a movie, they don't hover over the black spot.And, yes, your code works in all Modern Browsers. Unfortunately, IE throws a wobbly and the on:hover doesn't work except in IE7. You might be able to use this code to achieve a similar effect. It works in IE, FF, Netscape8, and sort-of works in Opera. ( click on the tooltip for Opera 9)

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I noticed the problem with IE 6... thanks for the link.I did try this one that seem to be valid and working in the 3 browser that I've tested... (I needed it to work inside a sentence)

<style type="text/css">#censure a {	background-color: #000000;	color:#000000;}#censure a:hover {	background-color: #ff00ff;	color:#ffffff;	text-decoration: none;}</style>this <span id="censure"><a href="#nogo">word</a></span> should not be seen...

...recommendation(s)?This sort of formatting is intended to be use inside a sentence so chances are good (I believe) that people will be tempted to hover over wondering "what the!?"...

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a.info {	background-color: #000000;	color:#000000;a.info:hover  {	background-color: #ffffff;	color:#000000;

I haven't test the use of this code, but try it and see if it works...

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Im not sure what "inside a sentence" meant, but this seems to be working fine in IE 6. you can also change the CSS like below

CSS:a.censure {	background-color: #000000;	color:#000000;	text-decoration: none;}a.censure:hover {	background-color: #ff00ff;	color:#ffffff;}HTML:this <a href="#nogo" class="censure">word</a> should not be seen...

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In a such case, is it better to use 'class' or 'id'... sound to me that 'class' is better suited...? :) Is there a way to achieve the same result but without the <a> tag?... in other words; can I use :hover with something else than 'a'?I finally changed the non-hover state to dark Grey text color (hard to read but can see there something) to trigger people to get there pointer at the censured text.


Humm... so that's a spoiler...? :) I kind of prefer my version! :)

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can I use :hover with something else than 'a'
Not if you want it to work in IE6 or earlier IE's.They don't perform on:hover effect except on the <a> tag. (without javascript)
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If you really want to avoid using <a> then JavaScript [mouseover, mouseout] is the option.... just out of curiosity, is there any reason you wanna avoid using <a>?
Not really... the more I know the better I get! :) Thanks a lot to all for your time!
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There is a trick - it's a bit advanced and uses event handlers - you can use if you don't want to use anchors (<a></a>) and you don't want to explicitly type the onmouseover and onmouseout. It's a little overkill but it might help.If you put the spans like this:

function SetUpCensuredElements(){    // get all the spans on the page.    var spans = document.getElementsByTagName("span");    var span;    // loop through all the spans.    for(var i = 0; i < spans.length; i++)    {        span = spans[i];        if(span.className == "Censure")        {   // if the span has the appropriate class            // set up the mouse events for this element            span.onmouseover = CensureHover;            span.onmouseout = CensureOut;        }    }}function CensureHover(e){    e = (e) ? e : window.event;    var element = (e.target) ? e.target : e.srcElement;    element.className = "CensureHover";}function CensureOut(e){    e = (e) ? e : window.event;    var element = (e.target) ? e.target : e.srcElement;    element.className = "Censure";}// This line tells the window to run your function when the page loads.  This will// overwrite any other page load event handlers that you have set up, so // watch out when you use this.  There are other ways to attach an event listener, but// I went for simplicity here...window.onload = SetUpCensuredElements;

I'm sure you're all set with what you're doing, I just thought I'd show another way.

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