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File Upload


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Hi All,After selected the file in filetype text box, i need to check its file name or folder name. coz accidentally the user can remove the file name from text box. How can i convert it to readonly? how can i avoid it in client side, let me know.This is my file upload tag.<input name="batchfile" type="file" id="batchfile" size="50">Thank youSridhar.J

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You can use Javascript to disable it when it changes. But they'll only be able to select a file once.<input type="file" onchange="this.disabled = true;">
Thank you, Its working fine, but one more thing If the user wants to select some other files. Its not possible in this method. Do u have any other logic.
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Thank you, Its working fine, but one more thing If the user wants to select some other files. Its not possible in this method. Do u have any other logic.
You could incorporate a "clear" or "reset" button that would enable the input again:
<script type="text/javascript">function resetFile(){	var file = document.getElementById("file");	file.value = "";	file.disabled = false;}</script><input type="file" id="file" onchange="this.disabled=true;" /><button onclick="resetFile();">Reset</button>

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