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Guest blaringmick

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Guest blaringmick

I started using html about a month ago, yesterday i recomended a friend to the w3schools tutorials and after trying the first try it example his webbrowser(internet explorer) would not open the mypage.htm saved to his c:\. I had a look at the code and he wrote it properly, is there a setting in internet explorer to enable pages to be viewed of a harddrive??

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Guest FirefoxRocks

Are you sure it is saved as "mypage.html"?What exactly comes up when the page is being viewed?Does the page work in another browser?Try adjusting the security zones of Internet Explorer and the Allow active content thing. Not sure if it will solve the problem but it is worth a try.

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Fire up the browser, use the "File>Open" option and "browse" to locate the correct file. Saves having to type in all that stuff and possibly mis-type the input.

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I started using html about a month ago, yesterday i recomended a friend to the w3schools tutorials and after trying the first try it example his webbrowser(internet explorer) would not open the mypage.htm saved to his c:\. I had a look at the code and he wrote it properly, is there a setting in internet explorer to enable pages to be viewed of a harddrive??
No.Unless you upload your file from hard drive to a web page, vice versa, you must use browser to open it :)
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