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Help, I need a script to take information from the w3validator.?


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Hi, AllI have a problem i try my best... but i couldn't find the answer :) .... really i need help.Read my story:In my Html page i insert a form that contains a textarea. So, when you type HTML code and click submit, the code will be checked by w3validator.and this is the part of the code in HTML page.

<form method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" action="http://validator.w3.org/check" target=_blank>	 					<p>									<label title="Paste a complete (HTML) Document here" for="fragment">									<textarea cols="75" rows="12" name="fragment" id="fragment" ><!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML  4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd"></textarea></label><br />									<label title="Submit markup for validation"><input type="submit" value="Check" /></label>					  </p>		  </form>

OK, Now, there is a new window will open that contains the the result of validator. What I needa function that can extract the number of errors from w3validator webpage

<form id="form" method="get" action="check">  <table class="header">	<tr>	<th>Result:</th>		<td colspan="2" class="invalid">	  Failed validation, 2 errors		</td>

and I want to calculate the number of characters in the textarea at mypage .then make a function that subtract number of error from number of characters and divide it by the number of characters then multiply it by 100.this is the aim.really i need help.... i do not know how to deal with the w3validator page where i should write the script.... HELP :) Regards,Shawkani...

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