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Self timed window opener


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I do not want to open a new window with a link, a button, or some other event, that is readily available. nor do I want to close a window with a timer.I want to wait say 5 seconds and have a script open a new window with a predefined size and so forth, I got the predefined size and window location with a link activation script, but I do not want the viewer to have to click anything after seeing the splash page, and the REFRESH command is limited.Is there a script that can do this? I have tried tweaking others, but I am not the pro js coder that I would like to be.I have been looking for over a week and have spent hours at a time searching and testing.EXAMPLEuser goes to a url, the page loads the logo and in 5 seconds a new window is opened at a specified size and location, now the user can navigate the site.am I missing something? this can be done?AC

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function popitup(url) {	newwindow=window.open(url,'name','height=200,width=150');	if (window.focus) {newwindow.focus()}	return false;}onload = l();function l(){timer = setTimeout("popitup('http://w3schools.com')",5000);}

I think this will work!

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I ve wirrten onload= l();

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onLoad needs an attachEvent added to it.
onload is the event. Writing onload = function is the same as window.onload = function or document.body.onload = function, etcBTW changeonload = l();to onload = function(){l()}oronload = l;
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onload is the event. Writing onload = function is the same as window.onload = function or document.body.onload = function, etcBTW changeonload = l();to onload = function(){l()}oronload = l;
Woo, now I no longer need to use attachEvent for that. Thanks a bunch.
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you can use element.event for pretty much everything or write a common addEvent function that is cross browser. using addEventListener (w3c) and attachEvent (IE) is considered the best way of doing it but element.event works in all browsers and is perfect for me whenI want to be lazy :)

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sorry for writing l(); I forgot :).I wrote it straight in the FastReply, did not test it...sorry :)

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