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Extenging the height


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I'm currently working on a new design for my website and I'm going for a two tone idea. I have centered the content of the page and made it 780px wide. I want the center bit to be a different color to the rest. Here is the code currently:body{background-color:#333333;color:#999999}h1, h2{text-align:center;}#outer{width:780px;background-color:#000000;margin:auto;}The problem is, when a page is less tall than the monitor, I just get a gray background with a black box in it (when I want sort of a black stripe in the middle and a gray stripe on either side.Any ideas?

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Ok. Adding min-height:768px to it has kind of sorted out the problem of it not reaching the bottom of the page but I'm not too keen on it as it is screen resolution specific. It still means there is a gray bit at the top as well so I would like to get rid of that. Anyway, I've thrown together a quick example page so you can see it.http://www.james-wheatley.co.uk/css/index.php

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  • 1 month later...
:)I repeat, search for "min-height hack"!Just min-height is not enough for Internet Explorer!
This min-height hack doesnt seem to work for what Im trying to do. What about for when the bleed is for a higher resolution monitors? Does this work for 800x600 to 1070xXXXX monitors? When viewed on higher resolution monitors, the blled doesnt reach all the way to the top..Any help would be appreciated. Thanks-psypent
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