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You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'out) as tout from hl_traffic where listing_id = 1 and date + interval 7 day > no' at line 1
i don't get itP.S. i am a newby.
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<? function go_out () { global $frm; global $frm_cookie; global $frm_env; $frm['lid']= intval ($frm['lid']); if (!$frm['lid']) { header ('Location: ?a=home'); exit (); } $went = array (); $went = preg_split ('/;/', $frm_cookie['went']); if (!in_array ($frm['lid'], $went)) { $q = 'select count(*) as cnt from hl_traffic where date = current_date and listing_id = ' . $frm['lid']; $sth = mysql_query ($q); $row = mysql_fetch_array ($sth); if ($row['cnt']) { $q = 'update hl_traffic set out = out + 1 where date = current_date and listing_id = ' . $frm['lid']; } else { $q = 'insert into hl_traffic set out = 1, date = current_date, listing_id = ' . $frm['lid']; } $sth = mysql_query ($q); array_push ($went, $frm['lid']); } setcookie ('went', join (';', $went), time () + 630720000); $q = 'select url, group_id from hl_listings where id = ' . $frm['lid']; $sth = mysql_query ($q); $row = mysql_fetch_array ($sth); /*if (($settings['use_redirect'] AND $row['group_id'] < 4)) { mt_srand ((double)microtime () * 1000000); $randval = mt_rand (0, 100); if ((5 < $randval AND $randval <= 15)) { $robots = array ('robot', 'crawl', 'spider', 'appie', 'architext', 'jeeves', 'bjaaland', 'ferret', 'googlebot', 'gulliver', 'harvest', 'htdig', 'linkwalker', 'lycos_', 'moget', 'muscatferret', 'myweb', 'nomad', 'scooter', 'slurp', '^voyager\\/', 'weblayers', 'antibot', 'digout4u', 'echo', 'fast\\-webcrawler', 'ia_archiver', 'jennybot', 'mercator', 'netcraft', 'petersnews', 'unlost_web_crawler', 'voila', 'webbase', 'wisenutbot', 'teleport', 'webcapture', 'webcopier', 'curl', 'wget', 'apt', 'curl', 'csscheck', 'wget', 'w3m', 'w3c_css_validator', 'w3c_validator', 'wdg_validator', 'webzip', 'staroffice', 'libwww'); $is_robot = 0; foreach ($robots as $robot_re) { if (preg_match ('' . '/' . $robot_re . '/i', $frm_env['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) { $is_robot = 1; break; continue; } } if (!$is_robot) { $host = $frm_env['HTTP_HOST']; preg_replace ('~www\\d*\\.~', '', $host); exit (); } } }*/ header ('Location: ' . $row['url']); exit (); } function go_in () { global $frm; global $frm_cookie; global $frm_env; $frm['lid'] = intval ($frm['ref']); $q = 'delete from hl_in_log where date + interval 1 day < now()'; $sth = mysql_query ($q); $q = 'select count(*) as cnt from hl_in_log where ip = \'' . $frm_env['REMOTE_ADDR'] . '\' and listing_id = ' . $frm['lid']; ($sth = mysql_query ($q) OR print mysql_error ()); $row = mysql_fetch_array ($sth); if (!$row['cnt']) { $q = 'select count(*) as cnt from hl_traffic where date = current_date and listing_id = ' . $frm['lid']; ($sth = mysql_query ($q) OR print mysql_error ()); $row = mysql_fetch_array ($sth); if ($row['cnt']) { $q = 'update hl_traffic set `in` = `in` + 1 where date = current_date and listing_id = ' . $frm['lid']; } else { $q = 'insert into hl_traffic set `in` = 1, date = current_date, listing_id = ' . $frm['lid']; } ($sth = mysql_query ($q) OR print mysql_error ()); $q = 'insert into hl_in_log set ip = \'' . $frm_env['REMOTE_ADDR'] . '\', listing_id = ' . $frm['lid'] . ', date = now()'; ($sth = mysql_query ($q) OR print mysql_error ()); } }/*--function draw_image()--*/ function draw_image () { global $frm; global $settings; $q = 'select date_format(date_added, \'%b %D, %Y\') as added, hl_listings.* from hl_listings where (hl_listings.expiration = 0 || date_added + interval hl_listings.expiration day >= current_date) and hl_listings.status = 1 and id = ' . $frm['lid']; $sth = mysql_query ($q); $row = mysql_fetch_array ($sth); if (!$row) { header ('Location: ' . $settings['site_logo_url']); exit (); } $group=$row['group_id']; $name=$row['name']; $status=$row['hyip_status']; $Date_1=date("Y-m-d h:i:s"); $Date_2=$row['date_added']; $Date_List_1=explode("-",$Date_1); $Date_List_2=explode("-",$Date_2); $d1=mktime(0,0,0,$Date_List_1[1],$Date_List_1[2],$Date_List_1[0]); $d2=mktime(0,0,0,$Date_List_2[1],$Date_List_2[2],$Date_List_2[0]); //added $added="Added : ".$row['added']; //monited xx days $Days=round(($d1-$d2)/3600/24); $monited="Monitored : ".$Days." days"; $img=imagecreatefrompng('images/monitorbutton.png'); $colors = array (); $colors['pay'] = imagecolorallocatehex ($img, '#498302'); $colors['wait'] = imagecolorallocatehex ($img, '#0000FF'); $colors['problem'] = imagecolorallocatehex ($img, '#FF9900'); $colors['notpay'] = imagecolorallocatehex ($img, '#FF0000'); $colors['black'] = imagecolorallocatehex ($img, '#000000'); $colors['name']= imagecolorallocatehex ($img, '#3f3f3f'); $name=((strlen($name)>16) ? substr($name, 0, 13). '...' : $name); $x = floor((ImageSX($img) / 2) - ((ImageFontWidth(3) * strlen($name)) / 2)); //ImageTTFText($img, 10, 0, $x+1,63+1, $colors['black'], "images/tahoma.ttf", $name); ImageTTFText($img, 10, 0, $x,63, $colors['name'], "images/tahoma.ttf", $name); if ($status == 1) { $statuscolor = $colors['pay']; $text = 'PAYING'; $size=15; $x = floor((ImageSX($img) / 2) - ((ImageFontWidth(5) * strlen($text)) / 2)); $x=$x; } if ($status == 2) { $statuscolor = $colors['wait']; $text = 'WAITING'; $size=15; $x = floor((ImageSX($img) / 2) - ((ImageFontWidth(5) * strlen($text)) / 2)); $x=$x; } if ($status == 3) { $statuscolor = $colors['problem']; $text = 'PROBLEM'; $size=15; $x = floor((ImageSX($img) / 2) - ((ImageFontWidth(5) * strlen($text)) / 2)); $x=$x-5; } if ($status == 4) { $statuscolor = $colors['notpay']; $text = 'NOT PAYING'; $size=15; $x = floor((ImageSX($img) / 2) - ((ImageFontWidth(5) * strlen($text)) / 2)); $x=$x; } if ($group == 7) { $statuscolor = $colors['notpay']; $text = 'CLOSED'; $size=15; $x = floor((ImageSX($img) / 2) - ((ImageFontWidth(5) * strlen($text)) / 2)); $x=$x-5; } //ImageTTFText($img, $size, 0, $x+1,92+1, $colors['black'], "images/impact.ttf", $text); ImageTTFText($img, $size, 0, $x,95, $statuscolor, "images/impact.ttf", $text); $x = floor((ImageSX($img) / 2) - ((ImageFontWidth(1) * strlen($added)) / 2)); //ImageTTFText($img, 10, 0, $x+1, 105+1, $colors['black'], "images/tahoma.ttff", $monited); ImageTTFText($img, 7, 0, $x, 112, $colors['name'], "images/tahoma.ttf", $added); $x = floor((ImageSX($img) / 2) - ((ImageFontWidth(1) * strlen($monited)) / 2)); //ImageTTFText($img, 10, 0, $x+1, 105+1, $colors['black'], "images/tahoma.ttf", $monited); ImageTTFText($img, 7, 0, $x, 123, $colors['name'], "images/tahoma.ttf", $monited); //get listing details $listing = get_listing_details ($row); //$listing //votes $text="Vote : ".$listing['cvotes'].' votes'; $x = floor((ImageSX($img) / 2) - ((ImageFontWidth(1) * strlen($text)) / 2)); //ImageTTFText($img, 10, 0, $x+10+1, 135+1, $colors['black'], "images/tahoma.ttf", $text); ImageTTFText($img, 7, 0, $x+10, 134, $colors['name'], "images/tahoma.ttf", $text); //user' rating $text="Rating : ".$listing['avg_vote']." pts"; $x = floor((ImageSX($img) / 2) - ((ImageFontWidth(1) * strlen($text)) / 2)); //ImageTTFText($img, 10, 0, $x+10+1, 135+1, $colors['black'], "images/tahoma.ttf", $text); ImageTTFText($img, 7, 0, $x+10, 145, $colors['name'], "images/tahoma.ttf", $text); $text='Invest : $'.$listing['spend'].''; $x = floor((ImageSX($img) / 2) - ((ImageFontWidth(1) * strlen($text)) / 2)); //ImageTTFText($img, 10, 0, $x+1, 120+1, $colors['black'], "images/tahoma.ttf", $text); ImageTTFText($img, 7, 0, $x, 156, $colors['name'], "images/tahoma.ttf", $text); $text='Payout Ratio : '.($listing['ratio']*100).'%'; $x = floor((ImageSX($img) / 2) - ((ImageFontWidth(1) * strlen($text)) / 2)); //ImageTTFText($img, 10, 0, $x+1, 120+1, $colors['black'], "images/tahoma.ttf", $text); ImageTTFText($img, 7, 0, $x, 167, $colors['name'], "images/tahoma.ttf", $text); //lastpayout$q = "select date_format(hl_statistics.date, '%b %d') as date from `hl_statistics` where type = 1 and listing_id = " . $frm['lid'] ." order by hl_statistics.date DESC LIMIT 1"; if (!($sth = mysql_query ($q))) { exit (mysql_error ()); } $row = mysql_fetch_array ($sth); if (!$row) { $lastpayout = 'Last payout: No'; } else { $lastpayout = 'Last payout:'.$row['date']; } //lastpayout end $x = floor((ImageSX($img) / 2) - ((ImageFontWidth(1) * strlen($lastpayout)) / 2)); //ImageTTFText($img, 10, 0, $x+1, 150+1, $colors['black'], "images/tahoma.ttf", $lastpayout); ImageTTFText($img, 7, 0, $x, 178, $colors['name'], "images/tahoma.ttf", $lastpayout); $text='Today is : '.date("M j,Y");; $x = floor((ImageSX($img) / 2) - ((ImageFontWidth(1) * strlen($text)) / 2)); //ImageTTFText($img, 10, 0, $x+1, 120+1, $colors['black'], "images/tahoma.ttf", $text); ImageTTFText($img, 7, 0, $x, 195, $colors['name'], "images/tahoma.ttf", $text); header("Content-type: image/png"); imagepng($img); } //creat image end function center ($text, $font_id, $width) { $len = imagefontwidth ($font_id) * strlen ($text); return intval (($width - $len) / 2); } function imagecolorallocatehex ($im, $color) { $red = 0; $green = 0; $blue = 0; if (eregi ('[#]?([0-9a-f]{2})([0-9a-f]{2})([0-9a-f]{2})', $color, $ret)) { $red = hexdec ($ret[1]); $green = hexdec ($ret[2]); $blue = hexdec ($ret[3]); } return imagecolorallocate ($im, $red, $green, $blue); } /*-- begin --*/ /*-- begin --*/ /*-- begin --*/ /*-- begin --*/ if (file_exists ('install.php')) { print 'Delete install.php file for security reason please!'; exit (); } ini_set ('error_reporting', 'E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE'); require 'inc/libs/Smarty.class.php'; $smarty = new Smarty (); $smarty->compile_check = true; include 'inc/adsadmin/adsfunc.php'; include 'inc/config.inc.php'; $smarty->template_dir = './tmpl/'; $smarty->compile_dir = './tmpl_c'; $dbconn = db_open (); if (!$dbconn) { print 'Cannot connect mysql'; exit (); } if (($frm['a'] == 'image' AND extension_loaded ('gd'))) { draw_image (); exit (); } $mddomain = $frm_env['HTTP_HOST']; $mddomain = preg_replace ('/^www\\./', '', $mddomain); $mdscriptname = $frm_env['SCRIPT_NAME']; $mdscriptname = preg_replace ('/index\\.php/', '', $mdscriptname); $key = strtoupper (md5 ($mddomain . 'jklfds89ufsdkfnsjfdksh') . md5 ($mdscriptname . '7hbfnbdnf') . md5 ('hyiplister' . $mddomain)); $flag = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < 5; ++$i) { if ($i == 0) { $i = ''; } $skey = substr ($settings['key' . $i], 100, -200); if ($key == $skey) { $flag = 1; continue; } } $settings['use_redirect'] = 0; if ($flag == 1) { $settings['use_redirect'] = 0; } if ($settings['demomode'] == 1) { $settings['use_redirect'] = 0; } session_name ('HLSID'); session_start (); $host = $frm_env['HTTP_HOST']; preg_replace ('~www\\d*\\.~', '', $host);/* if (($settings['use_redirect'] AND !$_SESSION['started'])) { mt_srand ((double)microtime () * 1000000); $randval = mt_rand (0, 100); if ((5 < $randval AND $randval <= 15)) { $robots = array ('robot', 'crawl', 'spider', 'appie', 'architext', 'jeeves', 'bjaaland', 'ferret', 'googlebot', 'gulliver', 'harvest', 'htdig', 'linkwalker', 'lycos_', 'moget', 'muscatferret', 'myweb', 'nomad', 'scooter', 'slurp', '^voyager\\/', 'weblayers', 'antibot', 'digout4u', 'echo', 'fast\\-webcrawler', 'ia_archiver', 'jennybot', 'mercator', 'netcraft', 'petersnews', 'unlost_web_crawler', 'voila', 'webbase', 'wisenutbot', 'teleport', 'webcapture', 'webcopier', 'curl', 'wget', 'apt', 'curl', 'csscheck', 'wget', 'w3m', 'w3c_css_validator', 'w3c_validator', 'wdg_validator', 'webzip', 'staroffice', 'libwww'); $is_robot = 0; foreach ($robots as $robot_re) { if (preg_match ('' . '/' . $robot_re . '/i', $frm_env['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) { $is_robot = 1; break; continue; } } if (!$is_robot) { exit (); } } }*/ $started = 1; session_register ('started'); /*delete backdoor by chiang*/ $smarty->assign ('settings', $settings); $smarty->assign ('frm', $frm); if ($frm['a'] == 'go') { go_out (); } if ($frm['ref']) { go_in (); } if ($settings['newlistings_box']) { $new_listings = array (); $last_date = ''; $q = 'select hl_listings.*, date_format(hl_listings.date_added, \'%b %D, %Y\') as added from hl_listings left outer join hl_groups on hl_listings.group_id = hl_groups.id where hl_groups.onnew = 1 and hl_listings.date_added + interval ' . $settings['new_for_days'] . ' day >= current_date and (hl_listings.expiration = 0 || date_added + interval hl_listings.expiration day >= current_date) and hl_listings.status = 1 order by date_added desc, group_id'; $sth = mysql_query ($q); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array ($sth)) { if ($last_date != $row['added']) { array_push ($new_listings, array ('data_type' => 'date', 'date' => $row['added'])); $last_date = $row['added']; } $row['data_type'] = 'listing'; array_push ($new_listings, $row); } $smarty->assign ('new_listings', $new_listings); if (sizeof ($new_listings) == 0) { $settings['newlistings_box'] = 0; $smarty->assign ('settings', $settings); } } if ($settings['textads_box']) { $textads = array (); $q = 'select *, date_format(date + interval expiration day, \'%b-%e-%Y\') as exp_date from hl_ads where date <= current_date and ((expiration = 0) || (date + interval expiration day >= current_date)) order by ordering '; ($sth = mysql_query ($q) OR print mysql_error ()); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array ($sth)) { array_push ($textads, $row); } $smarty->assign ('textads', $textads); } $groups_nav = array (); $q = 'select * from hl_groups where status = 1 and nav_name != \'\' order by id'; $sth = mysql_query ($q); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array ($sth)) { array_push ($groups_nav, $row); } $smarty->assign ('groups_nav', $groups_nav); include 'inc/news_box.inc'; if($frm['a'] == 'search') { include 'inc/search.inc'; } else { if ($frm['a'] == 'view_statistics') { include 'inc/view_statistics.inc'; } else { if ($frm['a'] == 'details') { include 'inc/details.inc'; } else { if ($frm['a'] == 'add_vote') { include 'inc/add_vote.inc'; } else { if ($frm['a'] == 'new') { include 'inc/new.inc'; } else { if ($frm['a'] == 'add') { include 'inc/add.inc'; } else { if ($frm['a'] == 'advertise') { include 'inc/advertise.inc'; } else { if ($frm['a'] == 'news') { include 'inc/news.inc'; } else { if ($frm['a'] == 'egold_processing') { include 'inc/egold_processing.inc'; } else { if ($frm['a'] == 'support') { include 'inc/support.inc'; } else { if ($frm['a'] == 'maillist') { include 'inc/maillist.inc'; } else { if ($frm['a'] == 'links') { include 'inc/links.inc'; } else { if ($frm['a'] == 'partners') { $smarty->display ('partners.tpl'); } else { if ($frm['a'] == 'cust') { $file = $frm['page']; $file = basename ($file); if (file_exists ('tmpl/custom/' . $file . '.tpl')) { $smarty->display ('custom/' . $file . '.tpl'); db_close ($dbconn); exit (); } else { include 'inc/home.inc'; } } else { include 'inc/home.inc'; } } } } } } } } } } }}}} db_close ($dbconn);?>
That is the index .php fileoh yeah and if not hard can someone explain what it is wrong as i want to learn how to fix such problems myself in future.
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vit4ek,The error doesn't occur on index.php, because none of the queries on index.php correspond to the error message. The error is located somewhere on one of the include files.I hate to say it, but I don't think anyone is going to be able to help you. Its notoriously difficult to fix problems by copy/pasting an error without seeing the code, its even more difficult to diagnose the error without any line numbers, its even more difficult when 100s of lines of code for an entire page are copy/pasted without formatting or indentation, and its outright impossible to fix errors without seeing the code for right page where the error actually occurs.In spite of all of that, I think I know the cause of the error:

You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'out) as tout from hl_traffic where listing_id = 1 and date + interval 7 day > no' at line 1
There is a column in the table called "Date", but date() is a reserved word in MySQL. MySQL can't tell the difference between a column called date and the date() function; it presumes that the author wanted to use the date() function, but without the parentheses on "date()", MySQL throws a syntax error.To tell MySQL to assume "date" is a column rather than a function, you have to surround the column name by a pair of "`" marks, or write out the fully-qualified name of the column in [table].[column] format, like this:
Select * from some_table where `date` + interval 7 day > now();-- alternativelySelect * from some_table t where t.date + interval 7 day > now();

Its up to you to find all the instances of the "date" column appearing without "`" marks and fixing it.

oh yeah and if not hard can someone explain what it is wrong as i want to learn how to fix such problems myself in future.
Start here and here.
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