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SQL INTERSECT alternatives in Access


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I'm trying to find the intersection of two SELECT queries.My SQL statement would read as follows if Access supported INTERSECT (which it doesn't appear to):~~~~SELECT * FROM(Table1 INNER JOIN Table2 On Table1.A = Table2.B) INNER JOIN Table3 ON Table2.C = Table3.DWHERE (Table1.X = True) AND (Table3.Y = True)INTERSECTSELECT * FROM (Table1 INNER JOIN Table2 On Table1.A = Table2.B) INNER JOIN Table3 ON Table2.E = Table3.DWHERE (Table1.X = True) AND (Table3.Y = True)~~~~However, this code produces the following error: "Method 'Open' of object '_Recordset' failed." Are there alternative ways to perform this intersection in a single query? I read a few posts that suggested using LEFT JOIN, but I am not sure about how to combine a left join w/ the inner joins I am using to retrieve my data.Thanks very much for your help!

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