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linking using https://


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I believe there isn't. In any way, it shouldn't matter, as you should only have a few secure pages where you really need to protect entered data (login page, payment page, etc.) but not other pages (browsing page, product information page, etc.). For those few pages, the extra times should be worth it.

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It is not possible to move from a secure environment to an unsecure environment without using an absolute link. However, if you are using a server side scripting language then you can set variables on pages that define whether they should have been requested using an SSL. Your little script could then redirect the user to the same page but with the SSL loaded - but again only by using an absolute URL.With my example, all your links and what not can be relative "../../" or absolute "/folder/" without specifying the "http://" or "https://". The only problem is that you will end u with alot of server side redirects and could easily have pages that do not require and SSL to be loaded in an SSL - which can be a performance hit (as small as it may be).So, its possible, but only with a server side scripting language and a system of labeling all your files to define whether or not they are secure.Hope that helps.

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