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add bookmark Firefox


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hi,i have this function in javascript to add bookmarks in any browser (or so i think...) it's working ok, though i just tested it with ie7 and firefox 2. The problem in Firefox is that when i open the saved bookmark it opens on side pannel :) here is the function:

function Favoritos(){ var title="Page Name" var url="http://www.domain.com"		 if (window.sidebar){    window.sidebar.addPanel(title, url,""); }			 else if( window.opera && window.print ){   var mbm = document.createElement('a');   mbm.setAttribute('rel','sidebar');   mbm.setAttribute('href',url);   mbm.setAttribute('title',title);   mbm.click();}			else if( window.external ){   window.external.AddFavorite( url, title);	}}

if anyone nows how to make it to open how it is suposed please let me know. Also you can try it whith opera and netscape and tell me if it works.

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by the way, why doesn't this work in firefox?

function clearOptions(selectId) {   for (i=document.getElementById(selectId).options.length;i>=0;i--)   document.getElementById(selectId).options.remove(i); }

Edit1:Solved this one. my solution for anyone interested:

function clearOptions(selectId) {   for (i=document.getElementById(selectId).options.length;i>=0;i--)	 if(window.opera || window.print || window.sidebar){	   document.getElementById(selectId).options[i] = null;	 }else if (window.external){	   document.getElementById(selectId).options.remove(i); }

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