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XSLT Time Manipulation


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I have the following in XSLT:<xsl:variable name="startTime" select="@startDateTime" /><xsl:variable name="endTime" select="@stopDateTime" /><xsl:variable name="steps" select="@steps" /> I want to create "steps" number of date times that are evenly spaced out between the start and stop times. Basically I want the equivalent to the pseudocode below:<xsl:template match="@location"> <time> <xsl:value-of select="$startTime + (position() * (($endTime - $startTime) / steps))"/> </time></xsl:template>Now I haven't figured out how to do this kind of date manipulation with xslt. Is there even a way to? And if it matters, I'm using Java's jdom 1.0 library to apply this stylesheet.I just stumbled upon xquery-operators that have promise, but if someone does happen to know the answer, that'll be good too.Thanks,Charles

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In XSLT 1.0 you can do that by recursing the XSLT template like this:

<xsl:template name="time" match="/"><xsl:param name="counter" select="0"/><xsl:if test="$counter <= @location"><time> <xsl:value-of select="$startTime + (position() * (($endTime - $startTime) / steps))"/> </time><xsl:apply-templates><xsl:with-param name="counter" select="$counter + 1"/></xsl:apply-templates></xsl:if></xsl:template>

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