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js for ipb skin


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Im making a skin that has the main title split up into 3 different sections.Situation: Maintitle is split. Theres an image that always appears at the left and another one that always appears at the right. And then maintitle has a background image that connects the other 2 images so it will work on all screen resolutions.

.maintitle { vertical-align:middle; font-weight:bold; color:#333333;  background-image: url("http://skullmonkey.net/images/forum/coltb/mainback.gif"); }.mainleft {background:  url(http://skullmonkey.net/images/forum/coltb/mainbeg.gif) bottom left no-repeat;/*width:59px;*/}.mainright {background:  url(http://skullmonkey.net/images/forum/coltb/mainend.gif) bottom right no-repeat;/*float:right; width:259px;*/}.mainspacing {padding:9px 2px 8px 20px;}

Now i am doing this with JS that my friend made for me (but is on vacation now).

<script type='text/javascript'><!--e = document.getElementsByTagName('DIV')dv = []i = 0for (n = 0; n < e.length; n++) if (e[n].className == 'maintitle' && e[n].parentNode.id != 'ucpmenu') dv[i++] = e[n]for (n = 0; n < i; n++) {s = dv[n].innerHTMLdv[n].innerHTML = "<div class='mainleft'><div class='mainright'><div class='mainspacing'>" + s + '</div></div></div></div>'}// --></script>

Does anyone know how to change the code so that i can do the same thing with .darkrow2 and another item that is different (#submenu (doing something different))?

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